Computers and Elementary Schools By: Jaclyn Prato
Daily Routine Everyday elementary school students perform the same routine as almost any other day Repetition helps to keep students in line, and helps maintain their focus Fun and creative activities help to increase their memory and ignite their creative side
Use of the Computer The computer is used in many ways at the elementary school level Some teachers use it as a reward system, so when written work is accomplished they can play a game on the computer Also work and research are performed on the computer The use of computer games helps to emphasize what was learned in class
Money Unfortunately not all school districts can afford computer systems This provides unequal opportunity amongst faculty and staff in different locations Even having one computer in the entire school is helpful Money unfortunately affects all aspects of life including education
Benefits The computer benefits students at the time they are long and in the future This is the most developmental time for children and the idea of learning in more than one way can boost confidence and intelligence The computer is becoming more common in the classroom than ever before and should continue to do so