Be 8 Decay Mass Be 8 = 8.005305 u Mass He 4 = 4.002603 u Excess mass = 9.9x10 -5 u E released = D mc2 = (9.9x10 -5 u) c 2 (931.5 MeV/c 2 / u) =.0922 MeV.


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Presentation transcript:

Be 8 Decay Mass Be 8 = u Mass He 4 = u Excess mass = 9.9x10 -5 u E released = D mc2 = (9.9x10 -5 u) c 2 (931.5 MeV/c 2 / u) =.0922 MeV p1p1 p2p2 Momentum conservation: Energy conservation: Constituent equations:

Be 8 Decay (continued) Energy Be 8 = ( u) c 2 (931.5 MeV/c 2 / u) = MeV Rest energy He 4 = ( u) c 2 (931.5 MeV/c 2 / u) = MeV Momentum = Sqrt[E 2 /c 2 –m 2 c 2 ] = 19.3 MeV/c Classical kinetic energy = p 2 c 2 /(2 mc 2 ) =.05 MeV g = Energy He 4 = MeV/2 = MeV Kinetic energy He 4 = MeV =.05 MeV b =.0052

C 14 Decay Mass C 14 = u = MeV Mass N 14 = u = MeV pepe pnpn Momentum conservation: Energy conservation: Constituent equations: Mass e - =.511 MeV Mass N 14+ = Mass N 14 - Mass e - = MeV N 14+ Excess Energy =.668 MeV

C 14 Decay (continued)

C 14 Decay – Fastest Electron pepe pNpN Momentum conservation: Energy conservation: Constituent equations: n

L Decay Mass L = MeV Mass p = MeV p p Momentum conservation: Energy conservation: Constituent equations: Mass p - = MeV L Center of mass

L Decay Solved in Lab Mass p = 938 MeV p p Momentum conservation: Energy conservation: Constituent equations: L Mass p - = MeV Mathematica solution