Information System of Cadastre of Real Estates of the Czech Republic as a tool supporting Real Estate Market Vít Suchánek Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre UN ECE WPLA Workshop Athens, May 2003
Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre Manages independent sector of state administration Main areas of responsibilities and duties: Cadastre of Real Estates - 90 % activities Surveying and Mapping Maintenance of geodetic control Large-, medium- and small-scale State maps Fundamental Base of Geographic Data (GIS) Geodetic surveys at state boundaries Development and maintenance of Information Systems of Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre Other tasks (research, international cooperation, …)
Structure of the branch of COSMC
Cadastre of Real Estates (CRE) Encompasses both legal and technical aspects to real estates ( operates as Land Registry, too) Cadastral Offices decide on Entry into Cadastre Owners of real estate have to be registered in Cadastre Main parts: Written – e.g. owners, parcels, land use, etc., legal relation to real estates – e.g. titles, mortgages, etc., completely computerised Graphical – cadastral maps (both paper – 80% and digitised – 20%, full coverage in 2008) Tradition since 1817, degradation , restoration after 1989, current Cadastre came into being on
Information System of CRE Development 1997 – 2001 Probably a unique time of development in Europe Operational run started on 3 September 2001 Comprehensive and country-wide unified tool supporting all aspects of state administration of Cadastre Central and local databases connected by WAN – central database is up-to-date New ways of diffusion of cadastral data
Technology background OS: Unix (central), WNT a W2000 (local) Client/Server architecture WAN Oracle database engines Bentley Microstation and GeoOutlook CA TNG Unicenter – system management: Anti-virus, sw delivery, remote control, Help Desk, OS and Oracle agents, asset management, back- up,… BEA Weblogic Server for Internet 3 servers and LAN at each local workplace About 5200 PC workstations
Main results Integration of written and mapping parts in one database Optimised functionality, possibilities to view historical and „future“ data Complies with national standards Co-operation with registers of inhabitants and companies Real time data in centre Remote access to cadastral data Improved security
Significance of IS CRE for Real Estate Market Legal security Full compliance with legislation (example: distraint) Reliability and robustness All operations are logged Sufficient capacity and performance Diffusion of cadastral information
Average time of the case (months)
Diffusion of cadastral information By-law 162/2001 Coll.: Data files - Exchange Formats „Old“ - till 2004 „New“ - some advantages Title Deeds - Public Documents Other reports and copies (not public documents) Remote access External - via Internet Internal - via WAN, clients at cadastral offices can get data from the whole territory
Remote access via Internet Clients can get basically the same data, as available at Cadastral Offices Reports contain time of validity – time of last connection with local database Available data: Cadastral data Data related to procedures at cadastral offices Client’s data –accounts, changes of password, etc Training system Remote access is a paid service, contract is necessary
Remote access from the point of view of Real Estate Market Positive aspect – decisive players show interest Estate Agencies 537 clients, Banks (111), Lawyers and Notaries (440), Designers (61) Influence could be higher – small interest of public administration bodies (73 clients only) Paid service – call for free of charge service Utilisation of remote access has not been implemented in administrative proceedings External remote access 2002: reports Internal remote access 2002: reports
Conclusion IS CRE – well functioning and reliable system Benefits to Real Estate Market – existing and future Support and continuous development are necessary in order to satisfy demands from Legislation Demands of state administration of cadastre Accommodation to e-Government concept Some uncertainty in funding
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