Universal Design By Trudie Hughes, UMD Education Department (2005)


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Presentation transcript:

Universal Design By Trudie Hughes, UMD Education Department (2005)

What is Universal Design for Instruction  UDI (or UDL) is a national movement Addresses national and state agendas for instructional and assistive technology Refers to the use of flexible methods and materials for instructing diverse learners It is built on the premise that there is no such thing as a “typical kid” and that in every classroom, differentiated instruction is needed to support not only LD, but ESL  It is based on the belief that technology can provide a medium for more flexible, differentiated instruction. (Castellani, Jones, Mainzer, Johns Hopkins University)

Principles of UDI  In the long run, “It is more efficient and cost effective to consider and address the diverse range of user needs during the design process, rather than as an adaptation after the fact” (L. Schleff, Western Washington University)

Principles of Universal Design  Principle 1: Equitable Use The design is useful and marketable to people with diverse abilities

Inequitable use…  Chairs in the room or office

Equitable Use…  Adjustable chairs

Principles of Universal Design  Principle 2: Flexibility in Use The design accommodates a wide range of individual preferences and abilities

Inflexible in Use…  Round doorknob

Flexible in Use…  Latch doorknob

Flexible in Use  Push opener

Flexible Use  Accessible for use

Principles of Universal Design  Principle Three: Simple and Intuitive Use Use of the design is easy to understand regardless of the user’s experience, knowledge, language skills, or current concentration level

Perceptible Information  Fire alarm with strobe light

Perceptible Information  ATM with large buttons

Principles of Universal Design  Principle Four: Tolerance for Error The design minimizes hazards and the adverse consequences of accidental or unintended actions

Tolerance for Error…low?  Bathroom entranceway

Tolerance for Error…high?  Outside power door button for entry system

Error High or Low?

AT versus UDI/L  AT tends to focus on the students, and promote technology to overcome barriers caused by built in inflexibility  UDL focuses on curriculum and wants to minimize the need for AT  UDL challenges how we teach and to rethink the nature of curriculum and one size fits all materials

Universal Design Concepts  Multiple formats of information to meet the needs of diverse learners  Multiple methods to demonstrate knowledge  Multiple ways to engage students based on their learning style and abilities  Support for inclusive instruction for all students

Digital Materials  UDI is the move toward greater use of digital materials. Classroom materials like books and oral lectures are a one size fits all model New media such as digital text presented with the use of sound and images are better suited to meet the needs of diverse learners Internet resources offer more flexibility for diverse learners