Operating Systems CS381 Umar Saif
The Bureaucracy Not anointed by the Queen I am not a Sir! Call me Umar
The Bureaucracy Instructor: Umar Saif TAs: TBA 19, 100 minute lectures Assignments vs. project poll? Instructor: Umar Saif TAs: TBA 19, 100 minute lectures Assignments vs. project poll?
Why Bother? We’ll not teach you operating systems textbooks We’ll learn to engineer real- world complex systems OS is one such system You’ll leave with an intuitive sense for engineering real systems We’ll not teach you operating systems textbooks We’ll learn to engineer real- world complex systems OS is one such system You’ll leave with an intuitive sense for engineering real systems
Modus Operandi System design is as much an art as it is science We are using an internal MIT textbook (6.033 classnotes) from Jerry Saltzer and Frans Kaashoek We’ll refer to a traditional textbook every so often System design is as much an art as it is science We are using an internal MIT textbook (6.033 classnotes) from Jerry Saltzer and Frans Kaashoek We’ll refer to a traditional textbook every so often
Text Books Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne, ‘ Applied Operating System Concepts ’, 1 st Edition, 2000, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN Principles of Computer System Design, MIT Class Notes, Draft Release 4 by Jerome H. Saltzer and M. Frans Kaashoek, Department of EECS, MIT Some handouts will be given to supplement the text. Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne, ‘ Applied Operating System Concepts ’, 1 st Edition, 2000, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN Principles of Computer System Design, MIT Class Notes, Draft Release 4 by Jerome H. Saltzer and M. Frans Kaashoek, Department of EECS, MIT Some handouts will be given to supplement the text.
Grading 15% Quizzes 30 % Hands-on exercises 25% Midterm Exam 30% Final Exam (Comprehensive) 15% Quizzes 30 % Hands-on exercises 25% Midterm Exam 30% Final Exam (Comprehensive)
Grading Announced quizzes So that you prepare for them Programming assignments carry the same weight as the finals Engineers learn by kicking the sandbag I am very lenient grader Try and enjoy the course, don’t worry about grades Announced quizzes So that you prepare for them Programming assignments carry the same weight as the finals Engineers learn by kicking the sandbag I am very lenient grader Try and enjoy the course, don’t worry about grades
What we’ll learn 1 Operating System Concepts (What is an OS? Why is an OS Needed? Case study of the UNIX time-sharing OS.) 1Chapter 1 System Engineering (Indirection, Complexity, Modularity, I/O, Storage Structures, Storage Hierarchy, Protection Layers etc.) 2 Chapter 2 Operating System Structures (Clock Management (scheduling), Address-space-management (Memory), Abstraction (System Calls, Virtual Machines) etc.) Chapter 3
What we’ll learn
What is an OS?
What is an os OS is needed to do three things: abstraction Security multipelxing An OS securely abstracts and multiplexes hardware OS is needed to do three things: abstraction Security multipelxing An OS securely abstracts and multiplexes hardware
What is an OS Abstraction, protection and multiplexing of: Clock RAM Hard-disk Network interface Keyboard and display peripherals Abstraction, protection and multiplexing of: Clock RAM Hard-disk Network interface Keyboard and display peripherals