Comparison of some Transcom Continuous Experiment results for Hegyhatsal and Cabauw tall towers A.T. Vermeulen*, G. Pieterse, L. Haszpra, and the Transcom Continuous experiment participants
CarboEurope-IP: Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Crete, Nov 2006 Transcom continuous: comp. with obs at CBW and HUN 2 Setup Only tall towers in Europe operational in : Cabauw – NL Hegyhatsal – HU In Transcom continuous: Fluxes of fossil fuel are constant over the year (1x1 degree res) Sib fluxes give the best results, are shown here Influence of ocean fluxes is quite small for the continental stations Output for more than 100 stations About 10 transport models, will show CE-IP models + 1 American
CarboEurope-IP: Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Crete, Nov 2006 Transcom continuous: comp. with obs at CBW and HUN 3 TM5 REMO TM3vfg
CarboEurope-IP: Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Crete, Nov 2006 Transcom continuous: comp. with obs at CBW and HUN 4 TM5 COMET
CarboEurope-IP: Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Crete, Nov 2006 Transcom continuous: comp. with obs at CBW and HUN 5
CarboEurope-IP: Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Crete, Nov 2006 Transcom continuous: comp. with obs at CBW and HUN 6 All in numbers… StationR2RMSE%stdevStationR2RMSE%stdev REMOCBW HUN CBW HUN CBW HUN CBW HUN COMETCBW20 HUN10 CBW HUN CBW120 HUN82 CBW200 HUN115 TM5CBW HUN CBW HUN CBW HUN CBW HUN LMDZthCBW HUN CBW HUN CBW HUN CBW HUN TM3vfgCBW HUN CBW HUN CBW HUN CBW HUN LMDZCBW HUN CBW HUN CBW HUN CBW HUN AM2CBW HUN CBW HUN CBW HUN CBW HUN
CarboEurope-IP: Open Science Conference on the GHG Cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, Crete, Nov 2006 Transcom continuous: comp. with obs at CBW and HUN 7 Conclusions Exercise demonstrates big progress in modelling: higher resolution models represent the tall tower sites quite well: models agree more than less! CBW is predicted to be dominated by fossil fuel fluxes, still influence of biosphere is detectable CBW is represented better in the models than HUN Still significant differences between models despite equal input fluxes More detailed study will be needed to look at: influence of vertical resolution+diffusion scheme other surface station data Tall tower data + models form great combination for update on flux schemes Potential for increased perfomance when fluxes are optimised (COMET CH 4 : R 2 =0.9; CO 2 : R 2 =0.6)