Jeff Reinhardt AA6JR How to be a Media Relations Superstar! Public Relations for the Ham Radio Volunteer
Why PR is important... ä Community Outreach ä Protects Operating Privileges ä Recruitment
You’re Not “Out There” Alone!
The Basics... ä Establish media contacts. ä Know your subject matter! ä Have a GOOD story to tell.
Media contacts... ä You must cultivate a relationship. ä “Shop” your story around. ä Be aware of audience segmentation. ä Work with your reporter to…. ä Get the story right! ä Have names, titles, call signs, spellings. ä Let the reporter do his/her job.
Your Media “Toolbox…” ä Established contact with reporter. ä Line up resources that support the story! ä People who are experts in their area. ä Equipment that works!! ä The facts at your fingertips. ä A printed fact sheet. ä Prompt follow-up.
The News Release... äThe “5 W’s” äShorter is better. äBait the hook with a good headline/angle. äTailor your release to the appropriate media. äPrint: Details äTV: Visual elements äRadio: Sound bites!
The Media Interview... ä Shorter is better! ä Factoids ä Keep It Simple! ä Clarify when necessary ä Spread the credits ä We are bigger than the sum of our parts! ä Damage Control ä Don’t lose it! ä Keep on point ä Don’t comment on other organizations ä Positive disposition ä You represent 650,000 licensees (no pressure)
Breaking News... ä Is it here or somewhere else? ä If here, who’s available, what’s involved, do you need help? ä If elsewhere, what’s the local angle?
TV & Cable... ä VISUAL Medium!!! ä Have dynamic elements ä Weekend is a good time for feature stories ä Public access cable TV shows are fun! ä Tell a good story.
Talk Shows... ä They’re looking for guests. ä Prepare your host. ä Assemble a press kit. ä Prepare for offbeat questions. ä Don’t stray far off topic.
Magazines... äGäGäGäGet an author’s kit. äTäTäTäTailor your story to the publication. äGäGäGäGood quality photos are a must. äDäDäDäDrawings & schematics where needed. äGäGäGäGood place for detail but don’t go too far. äAäAäAäAttributions and resources. äYäYäYäYou’re still telling a story!
Other PR Activities... ä Letters to Editor ä Ham Radio Awareness Day ä Club Fact sheet ä Operating Activities get a plug for your club! ä Create an event ä Invite “celebs” to your club meetings ä Get a city proclamation ä Honor a local personality ä Speakers Bureau ä Blood drive, etc...
Putting it all together... ä 2 weeks: Get contacts, phone/fax numbers, deadlines, follow up by sending your info. ä 4 weeks: send out meeting notice w/date, time & speaker, follow up release if something cool happens at meeting ä 6 weeks: pitch member activities or operating events ä Follow up!!!
Your Support Team... ä
Now You’re a SUPERSTAR! Go to it and be sure to share your success stories!