The College of New Jersey Office of Human Resources Overview of Civil Service WELCOME CLASSIFIED STAFF!
Presentation Contents Introductions Legal Authority of the Civil Service System Titles, Classification, Testing, Desk Audit and Certification Recruitment, Selection and Probationary Periods Civil Services and M S YOU! Performance Evaluation Seniority
The College of New Jersey Civil Service Administration Staffing Services Gregory Pogue – Vice President Susan D’Angelo – Director Erika Worthy – Assistant Director Heather Boccanfuso – HR Assistant/Staffing
Overview of the Civil Service System
State of New Jersey Civil Service System New Jersey Civil Service is a system of public employment designed to select and promote employees based on merit, safeguard the employment rights of permanent employees and ensure equal employment opportunity.
Title 4A Title 4A of the New Jersey Administrative Code contains the rules that govern the Civil Service for public employment in New Jersey. New Jersey Civil Service Commission (NJCSC) is charged with administering the provisions spelled out in the Title 4A of the New Jersey Administrative Code. It regulates the employment practices of NJ Civil Service employers, such as The College of New Jersey. Employment practices are policies involving the hiring and firing of employees as well as policies concerning paid and unpaid leave, layoffs, EEO, compensation, disciplinary matters, job duties and job performance evaluation.
Title 11A NJ State Law Title 11A sets the foundation governing the Civil Service System “Including testing, hiring, classification, compensation, and other employment issues”
Title 11A Objectives Select and advance employees on basis of knowledge, skills, and ability To retain and separate employees on the basis of the adequacy of their performance To ensure equal employment opportunities
Civil Service Titles & Classification
Non-Competitive titles Open Competitive titles - Subject to examination process and - Successful completion of a working test period NJAC 4A:4-2
Characteristics of Non- Competitive Titles These titles do not require a state competitive exam due to the nature of the knowledge, skills & abilities associated with the job or difficulties associated with recruiting. (NJAC 4A:13-1.2) Appointee must meet the minimum requirements set forth in the job description Four (4) month working test (probationary) period begins at the date of hire - Performance evaluated twice on a pass/fail basis during the probationary period - Probationary period may be extended if performance warrants Appointing Authority certifies employee to position after completion of probationary period if employee meets performance expectations or employee may be dismissed for failure to meet performance expectations
Examples of Non-Competitive Titles Clerk (Typist, Transcriber) Program Assistant Professional Services Specialist Repairer Grounds Worker Senior Building Maintenance Worker Security Officer
Characteristics of Open Competitive Titles All require an Examination - Written, Performance or Skill OR evaluation on Education and Experience (E + E)- determined by the NJ CSC Fee Required ($15.00 or $25.00) for the Exam Competition is statewide After passing exam, employee must serve a 4 Month Working Test (Probationary) Period Appointing Authority certifies employee to position upon successful completion of the working test period (NJAC 4A:4-1.1)
Examples of Open Competitive Titles Senior Clerk Typist Senior Clerk Transcriber Secretarial Assistant (3, 2, 1) Principal Clerk Typist Plumber/Steamfitter Campus Police Officer Locksmith
Two (2) types of examinations are administered by the Civil Service Commission - Open Competitive: Announced on the internet and are open to members of the general public who meet the requirements for admission - Promotional Exams: For positions in competitive titles and are open to employees working within a specific department or unit in a specified title
Testing New Jersey Civil Service Commission (NJ CSC) is responsible for administration of: - Written and Performance Examinations - OR Evaluation on Education and Experience - Ranking of Eligible's by score - Notification of Eligibility/Ineligibility - Sending Lists to Appointing Authority
Certification: The Process How do I become certified in my position? - Examination Announcement from NJCSC - Written and/or Performance Exam - Employee or Agency makes a request for Exam - Take Exam or application is evaluated on education & experience - Ranking of Eligible's by score on Civil Service list - NJCSC sends Notification of Eligibility/Ineligibility - Agency Appoints, the certified employee to Position - NJCSC approves certification - Employee is then certified as permanent
Why does it take so long to become certified to my position? The barriers that may cause a delay the certification process include, but are not limited to: The type of test required (Open Competitive or Promotional) Ranking of Eligible's (and the employee) on the lists and the rule of three Existing certification lists
Recruitment & Selection
The Recruitment Process begins with… Current Job Description Position Request Form (PRF) Organizational Chart Justification These signed documents are forwarded to the Office of Human Resources for approval and processing.
The College of New Jersey Job Description A detailed description of the responsibilities and duties of the position in a department or unit and its reporting structure (This includes a list of specific knowledge, abilities and skills required for the position).
New Jersey Civil Service Commission Job Specification A general outline and description of a title or group of titles, their purpose and function including education and experience requirements and examples of duties performed.
Recruitment Notes Positions must be posted for 14 calendar days. Applications must be forwarded to the Hiring Manager/Supervisor before the closing date. Internal applicants meeting the minimum qualifications must be interviewed. External advertising (newspaper) is rarely done for classified positions.
The Selection Process for Classified Staff Screening - All candidates must meet the minimum qualifications - Equal Employment Opportunity via standardized screening process Selection - Interviews - Reference Checks - Salary Offer: - Internal Candidates: Calculation Formula - External Candidates: Limited to Step 4 Regular or Provisional Appointment
Recruitment Order of Consideration New Jersey Civil Service Lists * - Promotional lists - Open Competitive lists Permanent TCNJ Employees * External Applicants (Outside State system) * Rule of Three
Probationary Period
Four (4) Month Working Test (Probationary) Applies to Non-Competitive/Competitive Positions Successful completion = Permanent Placement Unsuccessful completion: - Extend Probationary Period for 60 days - Release, then return to lower title - Release from employment at TCNJ
Civil Service, TCNJ and YOU!
Performance Evaluation System (PES)
PES Evaluation Period: - Fiscal Year schedule: July 1 st to June 30 th - Interim Assessment due January 14 th - Final Assessment due July 15 th New Employees: Begin evaluation upon their start date Closeout Evaluation upon departure Must pass 70% of evaluation Evaluates employee performance based upon specific job responsibilities and tasks May be placed on a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) if performance warrants Pass/Fail System
Definition: An accumulated period of service of a permanent employee in the State of New Jersey System. Seniority is calculated using NJCSC Formula and contains the following variables: - Regular (Permanent) Appointment Date - Performance Evaluation Rating Seniority (in years) is used by the NJCSC to determine ranking on a promotional list
Promotional Appointments
Limited to Internal Applicants (TCNJ Employees with permanent status) Must meet minimum qualifications for the position Promotional testing Must be in current position for 1 year Years of Seniority Upon Selection, Salary Calculation Formula Bumping
Bumping Definition - To assert rights for appointment to a position and thereby displacing the incumbent Incumbent can be bumped if s/he has less seniority in the state system or is serving provisionally in the title - Eligible has higher score - Open Competitive or Promotional List - Rule of Three (3)
Provisional Appointments
Provisional Appointment Definition: An appointment status where an employee has no retention rights in the civil service system and where s/he has not been certified as permanent in the title by the Appointing Authority.
Provisional Appointments External applicants Meet minimum qualifications for the position Open Competitive Testing/Lists No Retention Rights in the Civil Service System Dismissal at any time for any reason without prior notice **NOTE: All employees serving provisionally in a civil service title must complete the testing and certification process prior to serving an official Four (4) Month Working Test (probationary) Period.**
How much do you know??
Civil Service Brainteaser: True or False All Civil Service positions require a Four (4) Month Working Test (Probationary) Period?
Answer: True
Civil Service Brainteaser: True or False I have been serving provisionally in my title for one (1) year, but haven’t taken a test. I am not a permanent employee.
Answer: False
Civil Service Brainteaser: True or False If I want to hire a Temporary Service Employee into a regular full-time position, I do not have to post (advertise) the position and consider other applicants.
Answer: False
Civil Service Brainteaser: I have been employed at TCNJ for two (2) years. I took and passed a civil service exam and received a Notice of Eligibility from the Civil Service Commission. I am permanent in my position.
Answer: False
Thank you! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Office of Human Resources at ext