READING QUIZ The theorems of Pappus Guldinus are used to find A)the location of the centroid of any object of revolution. B)the volume of any object of revolution. C)the surface area of any object of revolution. D)the volume and surface area of any object of revolution.
READING QUIZ The Pappus theorem expresses the volume of revolution as V = r A. The in this equation is the A)angle of revolution measured in degrees. B)angle of revolution measured in radians. C)slope of the area A. D)None of the above.
CONCEPT QUIZ Select the FALSE statement. A)The Pappus theorem can be applied only to volumes or surfaces produced by revolution about an axis. B)The Pappus theorem theorem can not be applied to composite bodies. C)The Pappus theorem is an exact method. D)The angle of revolution can be any angle between 0 and 2 radians.
ATTENTION QUIZ The volume produced by a 360° rotation of the triangular area about the x-axis is ___. A) 90 in 3 B) 54 in 3 C) 126 in 3 D) 108 in 3 6” 3” x y y x
ATTENTION QUIZ The surface area produced by a 360° rotation of the line shown about the y–axis is ___. A) 30 in 2 B) 25 in 2 C) 50 in 2 D) 10 in 2 1” 5” x 1” 4” 5” 1”