Mariarosa Stevan Director - Istituto Agronomico per l’Oltremare Istituto Agronomico per l’Oltremare
A research project ( ) aimed at investigating appropriate conditions to increase and improve the participation of women and the enhancement of their role in food security, environmental sustainability and rural development programmes implemented by the Italian Development Cooperation in sub-Saharan Africa (Burkina Faso, Senegal, Mozambique).
LAND AND WORK Inclusive business models in Mozambique The paradox of land security in Burkina Faso MARKETS Constraints in accessing markets in Mozambique Women and markets in Senegal VOICE & AGENCY Farmer associations as tools for empowerment in Mozambique The Women’s Promotion Groups in Senegal TOOLS Participatory GIS for women’s empowerment Multi- dimensional indicators Land and the territorialization approach FOOD SECURITY
Can multidimensional indicators be effectively used by those working on the field, at micro level? Yes, partially. A complex indicator such as the WEAI, though, fails to consider the relationship component. Indicators must go hand in hand with detailed qualitative research as well as other complex tools (participatory GIS, cartography) to understand what is really going on 'in that country', 'in that community', 'in that association', or 'in that family.'
1.Women generate data and knowledge regarding the places they live in, and they must have the opportunity to participate in the creation of local and national data collection systems. 2.Indicators of women’s empowerment must be used in all stages of rural and agricultural development programs - including those not specifically aimed at women - since they can hardly be introduced ex post. 3.Specific places and spaces where women can be heard and knowledge can be shared must be created at the local level.
Elaboration of gender indicators in rural settings to be used in the monitoring/evaluation of the PAPSEN project, aimed at supporting the National Program on Agricultural Investments (PNIA) in Senegal. Implementation of Qualitative + Quantitative survey within the PESED Program in Mozambique to measure access to financial services by MSMEs in agricultural value chains. The gender dimension integrates the SIGI approach. IAO/Gender 2: development, pilot-testing and systematization of a methodology and intervention model to mainstream gender, and to promote women’s empowerment within IAO agricultural development programs.