New Isomers from Fast Fragmentation Reactions Dr. Paddy Regan Dept. of Physics University of Surrey, Guildford, GU2 7XH, UK
primary beam 1GeV/u Production target Central focus, S2 Final focus, S4 E(Z 2 ) catcher degrader dipole, B scint MW=x,y scint (veto) Use FRS (or LISE3) to ID exotic nuclei. Transport some in isomeric states (TOF~ x00ns). Stop and correlate isomeric decays with nuclei id. eg. R. Grzywacz et al. Phys. Rev. C55 (1997) p1126 -> LISE C.Chandler et al. Phys. Rev. C61 (2000) >LISE M. Pfutzner et al. Phys. Lett. B444 (1998) p32 -> FRS
Chandler et al. Phys. Rev. C61 (2000) Ge 69 Se 76 Rb
Heaviest odd-odd,N=Z gammas, isobaric analog states ? 86 Tc, C. Chandler et al. Phys. Rev. C61 (2000)
8 + isomer in 78 Zn, real evidence of 78 Ni shell closure. J.M.Daugas et al. Phys. Lett. B476 (2000) p213
136 Sb 135 Te Use FRS to select projectile fission products (forward boosted ones). Note transmission a few %. T 1/2 =565(50) ns state in 136 Sb (Z=51, N=85) M. Mineva et al. Eur. Phys. J. A11 (2001) p9-13
Gamma-gamma analysis on 200 Pt isomer (21 ns!), Caamano et al. Nucl. Phys. A682 (2001) p223c; Acta Phys. Pol. B32 (2001) p763
33 ns isomer in 195 Os (last stable 192 Os), useful test of structure in prolate/oblate shape coexistence region. 194 Os Wheldon et al. Phys. Rev. C63 (2001) (R) First id of ‘doubly mid-shell’ nucleus, 170 Dy (N=104, Z=66). K=6 + isomers predicted for well deformed N=104 nuclei. TRS calcs (F.Xu) predict a very ‘stiff’, highly deformed prolate nucleus. Could be the best K-isomer? Data from M.Caamano et al.
C. Schlegel et al.Physica Scripta T88 (2000) p72 High spins (>35/2) populated
Proton drip line isomer physics from 208 Pb fragmentation. N=74 chain of K =8 - isomers. Next in chain would be 140 Dy, proton decay daughter of (deformed) 141 Tb. Isomers orginally seen in fusion-evap (ANU data) A.M.Bruce et al. Phys. Rev. C50 (1994) p480 and C55 (1997) p620
M. de Jong et al. Nucl. Phys. A613 (1997) p435 M. Pfutzner et al. Phys. Rev. C & Acta. Phys. Pol. (submitted)
Isomeric Ratio Calculations M. Pfutzner et al. Acta. Phys. Pol. & Phys. Rev. C, (submitted)
M. Pfutzner et al. submitted to Phys Rev. C
Prompt flash knocks out a large portion of the detectors….effectively reduces the gamma efficiency by upto 80%! Need digital electronics and time stamping
The problem Single ion selected by the fragment separator time counts 0 plastic Ge detector trigger, time start promptisomer decay room background thick Al stopper Energy 100 MeV/u R 60 mg/cm 2 Al Probability to detect prompt radiation is large. In a standard set-up only the first gamma is recorded.
DGF detection scheme A1 A2A3 A4 Ionization chamber L2 R4 R2 L4 Plastic scintillators FRS second stage Energy loss, DE Beam Position x2 - TAC(L2-R2) - Position x4 - TAC(L4-R4) - TAC(L2-L4) - TAC(R2-R4) - TOF - Gate logic P a r t i c l e i d e n t i f i c a t i o n DGF 1, 2 Clover detectors Gamma energy, EG Gate logic D e c a y s p e c t r o s c o p y DGF 3, 4, 5 Beam macrostructure time [s] Storing data in memory buffers Readout time [ s] microstructure 100 s Gate Ions Gammas
M.Pfutzner,M.Hellstrom et al.
Pfutzner, Hellstrom, Mineva et al.
Other ways to get around the gamma-flash problem? Segmented germanium detectors and digital electronics for each individual segment. EURYSIS 6 x 6 germanium, Surrey/Liverpool/Darebury UK Gamma-Ray Tracking Project.
g-factors from fragmentation isomers Basic idea, put isomer in B-field. Perturbation of gamma-ray angular distribution depends on induced Torque. Rate of precession gives Larmor frequency, which gives g-factor. ‘Wiggles’ in count ratio between different angles from 13/2 + isomer, T 1/2 = 354(2)ns in 69 Cu. Neyens, Georgiev et al. RNB5 conference, in press,. Nucl. Phys. A
BaF 2 ‘fast timing’ data from H. Mach et al. Contribution to ENAM 2001 Allows an ordering of the gammas under isomer from their (~ps) lifetimes.
J. Garces Narro et al. Phys Rev. C63 (2001) Implant fragments into Si strip detector…if N=Z, stop beam for 1second and wait….. BIL gated All T=1 ground states in heavy odd-odd N=Z
Summary and Forward Look New nuclear structure –along N=Z line ( 86 Tc, Chandler et al.) –around 78 Ni ( 78 Zn, Daugas et al.) –from fission fragments ( 136 Sb, Mineva, Hellstroem et al.) –‘terra incognita’ 190 W, 195 Os, 200,201,202 Pt… 170 Dy? (Podolyak, Caamano et al.) Reaction information –Isomeric ratios give estimate of spin input, imply useful tool for high-spin physics (Pfutzner et al). Developments in Techniques –Digital electronics for gamma-flash (eg. 136 Sb) –Gamma-tracking with segmented detectors (Pearson, Dobon et al.) –Fast timing to order gamma-rays in cascade (BaF 2 Mach et a.) –g-factors using TPAD method (Neyens, Georgiev et al.) –Active stoppers for electron conversion ( 72,74 Kr etc. Becker et al.) and beta, alpha, proton decays tags (GREAT). All in the RISING