WORKPLACE Health Promotion
What is Workplace Health Promotion? A voluntary process which businesses can use to assist in meeting: Business goals Legislative requirements Human resource responsibilities Internal /external communication processes.
Workplace Health Promotion Provides a problem-solving framework. Identifies problems and concerns affecting employer and employee health through an on-line survey. Identifies individual and organizational issues affecting workplace efficiency. Identifies key strengths of the organization.
Workplace Health Promotion Assists in developing strategies to address any problems and concerns for the organization AND the employee. Complements and supports existing workplace practices.
Effective Workplace Health Promotion will Improve : Productivity Communication Work Culture Work practices Employee health. ProductivityCommunication Work Culture Work practices Employee health
Work/Life Balance Life Satisfaction Personal Stress Personal Control Personal Support Health Practices WORKPERSONAL Job Satisfaction Coworker Support Managerial Support Organizational Support Sense of Control
Benefits of Workplace Health Promotion Financial benefits + Improved employee health = Increased productivity & job satisfaction!
Financial Benefits Reduced rates of: Absenteeism Injuries Staff turnover Workers’ Compensation claims Extended health care costs.
Financial Benefits A program must be sustained for a minimum of 3-5 years to demonstrate cost-effectiveness. Source: Pelletier, 1997
Health-Related Benefits Changes in knowledge and health risk behaviours for the duration of the program: Fitness levels Eating habits Stress Alcohol. Source: Craig Evans, 1999
Health-Related Benefits A program must be sustained for a minimum of one year to bring about risk reductions among employees. Source: Pelletier, 1997
Successful Worksite Programs Successful programs are comprehensive. “Comprehensive” means: Planned with organizational participation Addresses individual worker health Addresses the broader environment Includes monitoring, feedback and reinforcement. Source: Craig-Evans, 1999
Elements of Success Employee ownership in the development and program goal-setting is the top priority. The program acknowledges and supports workplace health and safety. Strong program leadership models healthy behaviours. = Increase program credibility and participation.
Elements of Success Smaller workplaces tend to have: Higher participation rates than larger workplaces. Positive results from their programs.
9 Steps of the Comprehensive Workplace Model STEP 1: Establish commitment between the workplace and the Community Heart Health Network. Process – How are we going to do it? Definitions – ie. Health Resources – Who provides what? Follow through – By whom? Employee interests and needs.
Comprehensive Workplace Model STEP 2: Conduct a social marketing campaign. Key Messages: Meaningful results for the organization AND the individual. Confidentiality issues addressed.
Comprehensive Workplace Model STEP 3: Establish a workplace committee. Senior management Union Staff Health & Safety Champion.
Comprehensive Workplace Model STEP 4: Conduct a needs assessment. Recruitment & Retention Co-worker, manager and organizational support Job Satisfaction Mission, vision and value statements Smoking Physical Activity Nutrition Stress.
Comprehensive Workplace Model STEP 5: Present individual AND corporate health profiles. 3-5 % of employees will make a change based on receiving individualized feedback! Community supports available Research and benchmarks provided.
Comprehensive Workplace Model STEP 6: Develop a corporate action/health plan. Incorporate action steps into the strategic plan Policies and procedures – develop/awareness Programs and activities. STEP 7: Implement the plan.
Develop A Corporate Health Plan STEP 8: Review of progress — Communication – This is key! Always tie your action steps to the survey
Comprehensive Workplace Model STEP 9: On-going evaluation 50 Hours of Consultant’s time to assist where organization feels it is best utilized – e.g., setup, evaluation, implementation strategies. Phone assistance available.
Partners List the partners
References Beyers, J. (1999). Creating Healthy Workplaces…Issues and Implications for Heart Health Partners. Craig-Evans, D. (1999). Workplace Health Promotion Programs: A Review of “Why, How and What”. Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk Health Department, Simcoe, Ontario. Eakin, J. (1999). Public Health and Workplace Health Promotion. PHERO. 10(5): Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, Press Release, February 2, Hollman, C. et al. (1998). Association of the health promoting workplace with trade unionism and other industrial factors. American Journal of Health Promotion. 12(5),
References (continued) Influencing Employee Health. Workplace Health System, Health Canada. Number 1, Lee, K. et al. (2000) Creating health workplaces II…Towards a comprehensive cardiovascular disease prevention strategy in workplace health: A strategy that addresses the work factors associated with cardiovascular disease. The Institute for Work & Health, and the Public Health Research, Education and Development (PHRED) programs of the Region of Hamilton-Wentworth Social & Public Health Services and the Sudbury & District Health Unit. National Quality Institute (1998) Canadian Healthy Workplace Criteria. Pelletier, K.R. (1996) A review and analysis of the health and cost-effectiveness outcome studies of comprehensive health promotion and disease prevention programs at the worksite: update. American Journal of Health Promotion 10:
For more information on the development and implementation of a Workplace Wellness Program please contact: Karen Armstrong, M.A. D.P.H Workplace Wellness Consultant & Heart Health Coordinator Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Health Unit 71 Broadway, Orangeville ON L9W 1K1 (519) Ext: 2507 Fax: (519) Contact Information