Executive Report to Council Janet Ford PVC for Estates and Strategic Projects March 2007
Heslington West Strategic Capital Projects in progress or completed 2006/7 Nano Centre Chemistry NMR facility Humanities Research Centre and Institute for Effective Education Accommodation for Departments of Law and Theatre, Film and Television Refurbishment of Vanbrugh for Languages and Linguistics, LFA, EFL, CETL Bleachfield residential accommodation (Vanbrugh College) Refurbishment of college residences- fire protection and self-catering kitchens Total investment £28.8 million
Key Trends and Issues More effective space utilisation- more open plan, more shared facilities, but users need to be convinced Emphasis on sustainable buildings - New buildings aiming for BREEAM rating ‘very good’ - Intelligent building management systems - Carbon Trust/energy management programme All building projects have a Steering Group reporting to Estates Committee - Client ‘owns’ difficult decisions - Early consideration of VAT, security, IT, FM All projects have a Post-implementation Review-lessons learned formally passed on Capital programme reviewed regularly by VCAG and twice yearly by Policy and Resources. Stronger forward look. Heslington West
Public Inquiry completed, result by May 2007 High-level Master Plan and Design Brief complete (planning principles, site access, location of clusters of activity, location of phase 1 buildings,pedestrian and cycle routes) Peripheral Landscape Master Plan complete. 8 character areas Commissioned ‘internal’ landscape design principles (lake,vistas,UTS corridor, canvass on which buildings sit) Preparation to meet planning conditions/106 agreements. Base-line information, monitoring procedures established for: Traffic, Student Housing, Bio-diversity, Community Forum In process of selecting architects for phase 1 Agreed implementation strategy for phase 1 Heslington East
Work packages, cost, programme for phase 1 PackageElements IncludedEstimated Cost £(m) Estimated start date 1All of the Built Development within Cluster 1 (3 departments,Creative Technologies Centre,White Rose Grid, Complex Systems, 600 bed college) 95.7March 08 1APhase 1 Embedded Space for Knowledge Transfer13.5*March 08 2Recreational Facilities7.3Spring 09 3Highway Improvement Works5.3October 08 4Grimston Bar Car Parking1.8October 08 5Other Phase 1 Infrastructure Outside Cluster 115.5Summer 08 6Works Associated With the Lake and vistas and Kimberlow Hill8.0March 08 7Incoming Services and Utility Connections4.6Autumn 08 8Divert Overhead Electricity Cables1.4Autumn 07 9Soft Landscaping (planting)6.1Spring 08 Other Costs Land Costs, Sunk costs prior to planning decision Archaeology, Haul Road 10.5Late 07 Overall Total Phase 1 Costs (inc. VAT)169.7 * Assumes third party funding
Unduly onerous planning conditions Section 106 signed, conditions agreed with CYC, evidence to public inquiry Ability of CYC to process volume of detailed planning submissions required - Scheduling discussed with to CYC - Designated CYC officer, regular information exchange - Potential to secure funding for additional CYC resource Delays resulting from Community Forum procedures - Agreement on role, scope and membership with City Council - Appointment of independent chair Poor client brief to architect - Clear, detailed briefing papers from University - Early engagement of architects with client groups - Training for client groups Costs and cost control - Comprehensive brief - Tight control of change process Unexpected archaeological finds-programme delay Inadequate finance Financial planning Heslington East Phase 1 Risk Register and Mitigation