NASA LIFTOFF Instructional Case Circular and Planetary Motion title of IC: author: Joseph Saikali
NASA LIFTOFF Instructional Case teacher: Joseph Saikali school: Damien High School course/grade: AP Physics C/11-12 district:
NASA LIFTOFF Instructional Case How is it possible that celestial bodies are in a state of perpetual motion without thrust? generative question:
NASA LIFTOFF Instructional Case 1. e. Students will relate the universal law of gravitation and the effect of gravity on an object at the surface of Earth. 1. f. Students will show that by applying a force to an object perpendicular to the direction of its motion causes the object to change direction but not speed (e.g., Earth’s gravitational force causes a satellite in a circular orbit to change direction but not speed). 1. g. Students will model circular motion with the required application of a constant force directed toward the center of the circle through the equation. 1. l Students will solve problems in circular motion by using the formula for centripetal acceleration in the following form:. 1. m Students will solve problems involving the forces between two masses at a distance (universal gravitation) using the form: learning objectives (key standards):
NASA LIFTOFF Instructional Case Class observation Homework 3 to 5 minutes quizzes Activities performance Lab performance Full period Chapter test Project assessment overview:
NASA LIFTOFF Instructional Case Students will research, investigate, and build a model that represents the perpetual motion of planets and satellites without thrust. culminating project:
NASA LIFTOFF Instructional Case Lessons: Centripetal acceleration Centripetal Force Universal gravity Gravity near the earth’s surface Satellites Activities: Centripetal Force Project key lessons & activities:
NASA LIFTOFF Instructional Case Rotating water cup. Uniform Circular motion Lab. On going project. 5E inquiry activities:
NASA LIFTOFF Instructional Case Demonstrations Lectures Inquiry based projects Hands on projects and lab Sample and guided numerical examples News clip Engagement activities integrated pedagogy:
NASA LIFTOFF Instructional Case NASA resources:
NASA LIFTOFF Instructional Case Knowledge in Core physics subject Global and universal awareness. Creativity and innovation. Critical thinking and problem solving. Communication and collaboration. Media literacy Flexibility and adaptability. Initiative and self direction. Productivity and accountability. Leadership and responsibility. 21 st century skill integration:
NASA LIFTOFF Instructional Case Have “PHUN” delivering your IC unit miscellaneous (optional):