ALHS Guidance Department Mr KaminskiClass of 2013 Ms. SislowskiClass of 2012 Ms. ShusterClass of 2011 Mr. Petrulis Class of 2010
Please sign up on your counselor’s schedule sheet located just outside of their office before school, after school, during lunch or study hall.
Language Arts 4 Credits You will be choosing either AP Language and Composition or a combination of 2 semester classes. Take at least 2 semesters of lit and one of writing in the next two years. If AP English is your goal for grade 12, be sure to take College Comp junior year.
Mathematics 3 Credits Total Integrated Math III Algebra II Algebra II Honors Pre-Calc Pre-Calc Honors
Science 3 Credits Total Chem Com Physics AP Chemistry, Biology or Physics Science Electives
Social Studies 3 Credits Total AP American History Students may be recommended for Gov’t or AP Gov’t. in Grade 11. No social studies requirement for grade 11 so you can take electives such as World Affairs, World Geography, Psychology, AP Psychology, Sociology, or CSI.
Your current teacher in each subject will make a recommendation on what class you should take next year!
Health/P.E. When all H/PE credits have been completed, you may take P.E. electives such as Wellness, Advanced Wellness, Team Sports or Lifetime Sports
Business/Tech, Foreign Language or Fine Arts 1 Credit Total Fine Arts – Art, Band, Choir Foreign Language – French, Spanish and Chinese. At least 2 years for college (3 for Honors Diploma) Business/Technology – Computer or General Business Classes.
Electives 9 Credits Total An elective course is any course not required for graduation. Examples Foods I & II Intro to Manufacturing Clothing and Fashion, etc.
Total Credits to Graduation Credits Total Must pass all 5 parts of the Ohio Graduation Test. *Coming in March*
Ohio Honors Diploma 4 UNITS EACH OF ENGLISH, MATH, SCIENCE, SOCIAL STUDIES! 3 units of one foreign language, or 2 each of 2 languages. One unit of fine arts – art, drama and music. Maintain a 3.5 GPA or score a 27 on the ACT.
Meet all requirements for graduation and complete the following; 2 units minimum of 1 foreign language. 1 unit of fine arts.
Your current teachers will help you decide whether to enroll in regular or honors classes.
10 th Grade Students credits 11 th Grade Students - 11 credits 12 th Grade Students credits Graduation - 24 credits
If you failed a course this year, see your counselor about summer school or add it to your schedule next year!
Schedule Changes Choose classes wisely. Schedules are not changed often. They will only be changed if you were misplaced academically.
Scheduling for Grade 11 Required…… English –2 semester classes or AP Mathematics – Integrated III, Algebra II, Pre- Calc or Pre-Calc Honors. Social Studies – Electives. Science – Chem Comm., any Physics, AP, or electives P. E. – Electives. Electives – 2 Credits of Electives.
Program of Studies Online All courses are listed alphabetically according to department. Descriptions include: 1). Grade Requirement 2). Time Requirement 3). Amount of Credit 4). Prerequisites 5). Fee
Choose 2 semesters of English. Choose a Math. Choose two semesters of Science Social Studies- Electives P.E. – Electives Choose Electives You MUST have 6 classes each semester.
PSEO Meeting Wednesday, February 17th in the PAC at the high school Learn how to earn high school and college credit at the same time! You must submit a letter of intent to ALHS Guidance by the March 30th, You must apply to the college by June 4th, 2010 PSEO Classes: Photo 151 and 152, Eng 161 and 162, Earth Science 161, and Anatomy/Physiology 121, Wellness
Enter Course Selection Online at Your user name and password are located on the label on the course selection sheet. Select at least 6 credits. Counselor will review that appropriate classes are chosen.
Check each course under the “Add” column and then “Add Checked Courses”
A Confirmation screen will appear notifying you that you have scheduled.
And Now… A message from your Class President, Jenna Miller
The End Have a nice day!