Pertemuan 11 Systems Analysis and Design of a Business Event Driven System Matakuliah: M0034 /Informasi dan Proses Bisnis Tahun: 2005 Versi: 01/05
Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Menjelaskan tahapan dalam menganalisa dan merancang aplikasi TI
Outline Materi Metode Analisis & Perancangan Sistem Informasi
By Hollander, Denna, Cherrington PowerPoint slides by: Bruce W. MacLean, Faculty of Management, Dalhousie University Accounting, Information Technology, and Business Solutions, 2nd Edition Irwin/McGraw-Hill The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2000 Systems Analysis and Design of a Business Event Driven System Chapter 4
The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2000 Irwin/McGraw-Hill Objective n The objective of this chapter is to help you understand the key steps in analyzing and designing information technology (IT) applications.
The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2000 Irwin/McGraw-Hill Analysis and Design of a Business Event- driven IT Application n Designing quality IT applications requires a thorough understanding of the organization including its current and desired objectives, strategies, value chains, risks, and business processes n There are a variety of methods for analyzing and designing information systems. n How do professionals move from a business need for information to creating the physical IT infrastructure that can provide that information?
The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2000 Irwin/McGraw-Hill Systems Analysis and Design Methods n Exhibit 1 presents a systems analysis and design life cycle (SDLC) by J.A. Hoffer, J.F. George, and J.S. Valacich n Exhibit 2 displays the systems development process presented by J.L. Whitten, L.D. Bentley, and V.M. Barlow n Other analysis and design approaches, including ä object-oriented analysis and design, ä prototyping, ä systems engineering, ä joint application design, ä participatory design, ä essential system design, ä automating the SDLC using CASE tools
Implementation Maintenance Physical Design Logical Design AnalysisProject Identification and Selection Project Initiation J.A. Hoffer, J.F. George, and J.S. Valacich, Modern Systems Analysis and Design, Reading, Massachusetts: Addison Wesley, Steps of a Systems Analysis and Design Life Cycle (SDLC) I. The Analysis Phase – determining systems requirements and structuring the requirements by creating process models, logical models, and conceptual data models. II. The Logical Design Phase – developing the logical design of the database and designing forms, reports, interfaces, and dialogues. III. The Physical Design Phase – designing physical files, databases, and programming instructions. IV. The Implementation and Maintenance Phase – performing system coding, testing, installing, documenting, user training, supporting users, and maintaining the system.
The Systems Development Process J.L. Whitten, L.D. Bentley, and V.M. Barlow, Systems Analysis and Design, instructors ed., 3rd ed. Burr Ridge, Ill.: Richard D. Irwin, Systems Planning Planned application development process Systems Analysis Business requirements statement Systems Design Technical design statement Existing system details and limitations Systems Support Existing system details and limitations Systems Implementation Production information system
The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2000 Irwin/McGraw-Hill Phase 1: Systems Analysis n Step 1-A: Defining systems requirements n Step 1-B: Structuring systems requirements using process modeling n Step 1-C: Structuring systems requirements using logical models n Step 1-D: Structuring systems requirements using conceptual data modeling n Step 1-E: Selecting a design strategy
The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2000 Irwin/McGraw-Hill STEP I-A: Systems Analysis - Defining Systems Requirements n After an organization has: ä identified the need for a system project and ä has successfully made a business case to justify investing the time and funds necessary to undertake the project, ä a project team organizes and plans the work to be completed. n The team considers the costs, benefits, feasibility, responsibilities, and project timeline. n After completing these details they define the system requirements: ä What are the expectations of this system? ä What work and decisions will it support? ä What objectives will it help the organization to accomplish?
The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2000 Irwin/McGraw-Hill Defining Systems Requirements n Your business analysis highlights the activities that an organization needs to perform effectively and efficiently to accomplish its objectives. n An information system should support these activities. n Add information processes, including data stores, and data flows, to the analysis n Consider the desired environment and envision innovative ways for the system to enable organization objectives and desired processes.
The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2000 Irwin/McGraw-Hill Recording operating event data Maintaining reference data about resources, agents, and locations Exhibit 4-3 Christopher Inc. REAL Model Resources Events Agents Order personnel Customer Inventory Receive customer order includes takes places Cashier Collect payment CashBank is kept at increases takes in sends Shipping personnel Shipping firm Ship Order is made up of goes to executes carried by Christopher Inc. provides baseball caps to major league baseball teams to sell in their ballparks. While analyzing their business process, Christopher’s analysis team identified three key operating activities: receive orders from baseball teams (who are Christopher’s customers), package and ship caps to the teams (the sale of merchandise), and receive payment from the teams Reporting useful information to information customers
The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2000 Irwin/McGraw-Hill The Structure of Information Processes Recording Process Stimulus Response Notification Data Executing each operating event triggers the need to record descriptive data about the event. When data is captured while the operating event occurs, the recording process can execute business rules specified by management for each operating event. These rules are the guidelines, standards, policies, and/or procedures intended to increase operational and information quality by reducing such problems as errors, irregularities, or fraud. Ideally, the execution of the operating event and the related information process occur simultaneously. Maintaining Process Stimulus Response Notification Data To support a business process, a system must collect data about the resources, agents, and locations that define the operating events. The system must allow the data to be kept current. Maintaining reference data involves adding, deleting, or modifying data about resources, agents, and locations (e.g., changing products offered by a vendor; changing an employee's marital status; and adding a new vendor to the vendor list). The objective is to maintain accurate, complete, and timely data about the resources, agents, and locations involved in operating events for the process you are modeling. Reporting Process Stimulus Data Response Notification The reporting processes extract and convert stored data about events, resources, agents, and locations into information, and formatting the information for presentation to information customers. These views often consist of financial and performance measures and may take the form of hardcopy source documents, hardcopy reports, electronic data flows, or ad hoc queries. These data flows authorize actions, provide documentation to other business functions or to outside parties, and support both operational and strategic decision making.
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