Hosted by Achieving Best Business Performance Mark R. Willford, Partner Accenture
Hosted by What we’ll cover in this session What makes a “Best Business”? Results from Accenture research study The Top Ten things best businesses do to improve business performance Getting Started
Hosted by What makes a “Best Business”? They focus their workforce on core competencies. They take a pragmatic approach to technology adoption and integration. They take advantage of innovations to create market opportunities and enhance productivity. They consolidate and standardize IT to manage their total cost of ownership.
Hosted by According to an Accenture survey of 163 companies worldwide, only 41% of companies have achieved the majority of targeted benefits from their ERP systems Source: Accenture Institute for Strategic Change Accelerating Enterprise Systems Thought Leadership Research - July, 2002
Hosted by #1: The best businesses view enterprise systems as an ongoing program to improve performance and drive value … moving data…...synchronizing systems... …leveraging functionality in applications… …creating new processes and services to support business needs… Low High Complexity of Enterprise/Business Process Business Value of Integration Process Integration Data Transport Application Integration Collaboration Ubiquitous Processes …sharing business capabilities with partners… …Anywhere, anytime, on any device… Data Integration Most Companies Are Here
Hosted by #2: …Accelerate value realization by planning and organizing for success Define business benefits upfront Specify business metrics Use the metrics to measure business performance Establish accountability for achieving business benefits and ROI from Enterprise Solutions 34% of companies either do not have a business case that identifies specific benefits when they implement enterprise solutions OR they do not actively measure and capture benefits. Accenture research
Hosted by #3: …Operate their business in real-time with access to integrated information that transcends the business New sources of data… Combined with cheaper data storage… Faster processing power… And more effective data analysis… …will enable companies to gain actionable insight in real time. SAP BW/SEM enables executives to view a “dashboard” of real-time information about the business Improved decision- making is the #1 benefit sought by companies when they implement enterprise solutions. Accenture research
Hosted by #4: …Maximize the value of their supply chain and relationships with partners Leading companies incorporate the supply chain into their business strategy Devote significant attention to the design of an integrated operating model Build innovation into your supply chains Integrate demand and supply planning across the chain Focus on technology strategies and effective implementation Selective outsourcing Focus on both supply chain sales and service Rigorously execute against your strategy
Hosted by #5: …Differentiate their business in the eyes of the customer using customer insight and customer integration Workflow / Policies / Rules Integrated View Of Customer Reporting Enterprise Integration Performance / Collaboration Customer Interaction Customer Insight Web Market Research Customer Interaction Platforms Premise Customer / Channel Partner WirelessPhoneWeb Mail, Fax, Field Customer Interaction Capabilities Customer Insight Customer Data Acquisition Content Management Customer Data Governance Customer Context Partner Relationship Management Campaign Execution Selling & Sales Admin Billing & Collections Customer Service Analysis, Modeling & Scoring Field Service Market Research Needs Assessment Offer Packaging Offer Optimization Offer Development Campaign Management Customer Segment Management SAP Core Increase customer satisfaction Develop customer loyalty Grow revenues Improve productivity Reduce costs Drive profitability
Hosted by #6: …Extend standardized SAP applications only to gain competitive advantage SAP products enable easier integration with other applications Customization approaches range from partnering with SAP on industry solutions to developing in- house applications Continue to standardize applications for routine, non-strategic processes 70% of firms have built or were planning to build custom applications for competitive advantage. Accenture research
Hosted by #7: …Adopt a Business Readiness program to ensure all areas of the business are working together… and are engaged Business case management Organizational Alignment Ownership and Accountability Critical Decision-making People Alignment Senior Management Middle Management Staff Project Team Business People IT Integrators Fully Engaged
Hosted by #8: …Optimize their Enterprise Architecture to drive business value Image source: SAP AG Lower TCO Common infrastructure Open for integration Aligned software strategy SAP NetWeaver™ DB and OS Abstraction.NETWebSphere… People Integration Composite Application Framework Process Integration Integration Broker Business Process Management Information Integration Business Intelligence Knowledge Management Life Cycle Management Portal Collaboration J2EE ABAP Application Platform Multi-Channel Access DB and OS Abstraction Master Data Management Integration Broker
Hosted by #9: …Understand their core competencies and outsource everything else Transformational Outsourcing End-to-End Sourcing Business Processes Business Applications Technology Infrastructure Create new and innovative ways to realize business strategies while refocusing cost Conventional Collaborative Transformational Multiple non-core processes outsourced; value driving CEO- level decision-making Traditional outsourcing solution, one or more non-core processes outsourced independently; price typically driving decision making Strategic Value Tactical Value Outsourcing Spectrum
Hosted by #10: …Assess and adopt new technologies that can empower the organization Question: What other technologies on the horizon might provide your organization with improved business performance? Accenture research: Percentage of organizations planning to experiment with the technology within the next two years
Hosted by Getting started Review your business case to assess whether benefits were achieved or yet to be realized Assess the alignment of your organization’s people, processes and technology with your strategy Do a value assessment to understand where the real value opportunities are in your company – short-term and long-term
Hosted by Questions? Drop me a note at Ask for a copy of Accenture’s research report, “The Return of Enterprise Solutions: The Director’s Cut”