Analytical prediction of springback based on residual differential strain during sheet metal bending
Authors and Presenter Paper Written By: H K Yi, D W Kim, C J Van Tyne, Y H Moon H K Yi, D W Kim, C J Van Tyne, Y H Moon As Presented by: Garrett Bodily Garrett Bodily September 24, 2008
Introduction “Commercial finite-element programme for sheet forming simulation give good results in terms of formability, strain distribution, and wrinkling – but springback remains a phenomenon often reported as being difficult to simulate (page 118).”
Introduction “As springback is strongly dependent on the part geometry and the materials used, it is not possible to give a general rule of thumb for its compensation (page 118).”
The Problem “Even small angular springback in deep drawn structures may cause large spatial deformations and distortions of the whole part (page 118).”
The Solutions This paper compares two analytical solutions to springback. Differential Strain ModelBending Moment Model
Comparison Six cases used to compare methods.
Differential Strain Method Calculate difference in loaded strain. Calculate difference in unloaded strain. Put results into equation.
Example of Case 4 High Bending – Low tension
Bending Moment Method Calculate bending moment in loaded part. Put results into equation.
Example of Case 4 High Bending – Low tension
Moment Equation
Results Compare equations using 4 metals
Pros Strain differential model is described well. Comparison of models is effective. New model is much simpler, mathematically speaking.
Cons Bending moment model NOT well explained. The variable names and subscripts very confusing and hard to follow. The fact that no testing has been done destroys their credibility.
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