11/05/99 1 eBusiness The Software Production View Project Summary
11/05/99 2 Objectives Acquire experience with the activities of the first phases of the SDLC –Problem analysis –Identification of the solution space and evaluation of alternatives –Modeling and specification –Prototyping Apply in practice SA methods Teamwork Customer Interactions Presenting the Results
11/05/99 3 The Problem Space Information gathering (Business) domain analysis Narrow the Scope...
11/05/99 4 eBusiness - the Target Domain eBusiness is a framework for seamless integration of critical business systems and their direct connection to key constituencies (customers, employees, suppliers and distributors) via the Web (Internet, Intranet and Extranet). As all key players - customers, employees, suppliers and distributors - are connected to the business systems and share the information they need, eBusiness actually transitions the traditional business processes to a new level with the ultimate focus on customers and Customer Relationship Management (CRM).
11/05/99 5 The Competitive Landscape Markets Products Competitors
11/05/99 6 The Solution Space Definition of Alternatives Evaluation of Alternatives Modeling and Specification Documenting the Solution
11/05/99 7 Requirements Tools Tool Evaluation (Requirements Management) Other Tools and Vendors (Requirements Modeling and Management)
11/05/99 8 Sample Outline Team Introduction Topic – project presentation Competitive landscape System Functionality- demonstrate one scenario Extra Functional requirements UI – prototype Future enhancements Conclusions
11/05/99 9 Presenting the Work Set your goals Prepare the content & the form the delivery - dry run, time Execute eye contact, voice posture, gestures, movement time Know the audience your strengths your weaknesses
11/05/99 10 How well did we do?