which plane flies the farthest By carter s.
Problem statement Which type of paper will fly the furthest as a paper airplane?
hypothesis I think the paper airplane made out of cardstock will fly the farthest because you thorw it on Monday and got 74 inch`s .
materials 1. notebook paper 2. construction paper 3. cardstock 4.printer paper 5.ruler/measuring tape
procedures 1. gather the materials 2. make the airplane out of each type of paper 3. test each model 4. record data 5. make conclusion
Variables Types of paper The force of the throw
controls The person throwing the plane
Results I found out cardstock through the farthest. It was the farthest in the class. It had one hundered sixtey five inches.
Conclusion My group found out we where right because. I through it cause I wanted to and it had the most in the class it had 165 inches.