1 Classroom Presenter: Interactive Electronic Lecturing and Student Interaction System Richard Anderson Beth Simon University of University of WashingtonSan Diego Ruth Anderson Univ. of Virginia Steven Wolfman, Tammy VanDeGrift, Ken Yasuhara University of Washington
2 Should we project slides from a computer? Pros: –High quality materials –Ease of sharing and re-use –Ability to switch to other computer applications Cons: –Limits Flexibility in Learning Environment e.g. respond to student questions, work out examples in real time, integrate student input into presentation
3 Classroom Presenter First deployed in Summer 2002 Deployed in > 40 Computer Science courses at UW, UVA, USD, UCSD, NCSU, and elsewhere. > 20 different Instructors > 2000 students (Class sizes: students) Courses:Intro Programming, Software Engineering, Algorithms, Architecture, Digital Design, Compilers, Data Structures, Programming Languages, Graphics, Networks, Discrete Math, Ethics, Databases, AI, HCI Available free for educational and research use:
4 Classroom Presenter Highlights Spontaneity: –Inking over for emphasis –Providing additional information Slide shrink Erasing –Solving problems interactively Control –Filmstrip and preview –Whiteboard Instructor Notes –Notes on “how” to explain concept –Answers to problems
5 The R-Format (e.g. add) Datapath ALUsrc ALUop Mem Read MemWrite MemToReg RegDst RegWrite PCsrc
9 Whiteboard Feature
10 Dynamic Corrections
11 Walking Thru Examples
12 Rich Diagrams
13 Presenter Configurations Single Machine (1 Tablet PC) –Projection of second monitor from tablet Multiple views, but tethered Multiple Machines (1 Tablet PC + one computer to drive projector) –Wireless connection to display view Multiple views, untethered Multiple Machines with student activities (1 Tablet PC + student devices) –Wireless or tethered connection to display view AND to student devices Additional support for distance learning Student Activities
14 Presenter in Distance Course
15 Archived Lecture of Instructor Using Presenter
16 Experience with Student Activities Solve problems in parallel –Save time by having students view results of variations of problem for, while, do while Allow for truly independent brainstorming or design work –Students cannot be influenced by work of those around them Allow for modification of complex designs –Supports backgrounds (datapaths, number lines) Provides anonymity – select problem, not student –No name is attached –Students can choose not to submit
25 Student Survey Results
26 Summary Tablet PCs can enhance learning in the classroom Classroom Presenter can be used with a single Tablet to allow spontaneity and bring discussion to the electronic lecture Multiple tablets enables student activities and active learning –Anonymity can be a benefit –Student work available for instructor review after class