Digital Media Project Reading Through Film, Web and Blogging By Laura S. Young NVCC, 2011
Academic/Project Objectives distinguish conclusions from supporting material conclude from observation of evidence and inferences develop critical thinking skills develop note-taking skills improve writing, listening, and other communication skills paraphrase and summarize
Project Break-Down Class 1 You will discuss and identify you views on using digital devices. As part of this introductory exercise you need to complete the following pre-unit survey: In class we will Discuss the results of this survey. (Note: This survey and its results are only meant to be used a conversation starter.) view the PBS movie “Frontline: Digital Nation”. (During and after the viewing, you will complete a Note-Taking Guide.)Note-Taking Guide Homework: Complete Note-Taking Guide
Project Break-Down Class 2 In small groups, explore, research, review, and discuss: three pieces of evidence that favor the digital ideas in the movie that you viewed and three pieces of evidence that present negatives about the digital ideas in the movie. As you explore and examine these evidences, complete the following Exploration Guide.Exploration Guide Use the following PBS website nation/living-faster/digital-natives/ nation/living-faster/digital-natives/ for this activity. Homework: Complete Exploration Guide
Project Break-Down Day 3 The class will review and discuss the UNC web materials on Argument at Using all the information collected during group and class work for days 1, 2 and 3 (on argument), you need to complete a 1 paragraph writing that paraphrases 3 positive perspectives for digital media and a 1 paragraph writing that paraphrases 3 negative perspectives for digital media. Each paragraph needs to include a topic sentence, at least three forms of adequate and relevant support (explained), and a concluding statement that ties the reader back to the topic sentence. Homework: Complete both paragraphs, proofread/edit drafts, make revisions then 1. submit rough draft showing editing changes. 2. submit final draft of both paragraphs as a single Word document to BB.
Lesson Description/Break-Down Continued Day 4 After exploring both sides of the digital issue (positives and negatives), develop a thesis statement, clarifying your belief about digital use in our society. Share this belief along with support by blogging on the following blog site: 1/03/introduction-digital-nation-blog.html Use the following criteria as you blog: 1/03/introduction-digital-nation-blog.html submit at least 1 posting, stating a belief (claim) you have and at least 3 adequate and relevant reasons why you feel the way you do. respond to at least 1 other classmates’ posts.