Dr. Radu Alexandru Pintilie THE BIRTH CANAL Dr. Radu Alexandru Pintilie
THE BIRTH CANAL - the bony pelvis -
The true pelvis is an obliqualy truncated, bent cylinder
The pelvis forms a bony ring through which the body weight is transmitted to the lower extremities
Sacroiliac syncondroses Symphisys pubis Sacrospinous ligament Sacrotuberous ligament
Sacrospinous ligament Sacrotuberous ligament
5 1=11 cm 2=12.5 cm 3=13.5 cm 5=12-12.5 cm
PELVIC TYPES 1 - gynaecoid 2 - android 3 - platypelloid 4 - anthropoid
True conjugate Diagonal conjugate – 12 cm Obstetrical conjugate ˃10 cm
11.5 cm
11 cm 9 cm
1 – first plane of Hodge 2 – the descending cilinder( Pigeaud ) 3 – the releasing triangle ( Fochier )
PELVIMETRY The romb of Michaelis The base of Trillat triangle
-soft tissues of the pelvis- THE BIRTH CANAL -soft tissues of the pelvis-
FETUS AT TERM -fetus as a passenger-
The sacro-femural diameter (9 cm) The sacro-pretibial diameter (12 cm) The bitrohanterian diameter (9-10 cm)