TENCompetence WP7 Competence Development Programmes TENCompetence Kick-off Meeting Valkenburg, 9 th December 2005 L3S, OUNL, UPF, SYN, UVA.


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Presentation transcript:

TENCompetence WP7 Competence Development Programmes TENCompetence Kick-off Meeting Valkenburg, 9 th December 2005 L3S, OUNL, UPF, SYN, UVA

WP7 in TENCompetence

Objectives 1.Develop a learning path Specification Methodology for development of CDP 2.Select & adapt tools for management & use of CDP 3.Develop & test a user positioning service for CDP user navigation service for CDP learner support service for CDP 4.Create a roadmap for further research and development

Partners & Background L3S (13) –E-Learning (technical), Adaptive Hypermedia, Semantic Web, P2P, Policy-Driven Intelligent Agents OUNL (12) –E-Learning (pedagogical), LSA, assessment models, competence- based education UPF (5) –E-Learning (pedagogical (-) & technical), Evaluation, competence in the medical sector SYN (3) –E-Learning (technical), SW, Competences and matching engine, gate to CEN/ISSS group on competences UVA (2) –E-Learning (pedagogical), Competence-based learning and assessment (with portfolios)

Issues Competence vs. competency Use cases, including –Formal vs. informal learning –Group vs. individual learning –Learning, industry, public enterprise Standards: –IMS RDCEO –HRXML –IEEE RCD Contextual competence ePortfolio? –User profile: where?

Learning Cluster Projects with overlapping interests Cooper (STREP): collaborative filtering and recommendation, learner support Prolix (IP): linking people and competences, competencies, positioning and distributed architecture APOSDLE (IP) CoDRIVE (Leonardo) PROLEARN (NoE)