Environmental Studies A Collaborative Case Based Learning Module Winter Storms Supporting Information for The Pizzeria Owner Martha Schoene Beach Management Consultant Faculty, Seton Hall University ©2006
Meeting with your Professional Team Meeting with restaurant owners in the town: Evaluate the damage done to your business and what alternatives you have. Record your thoughts in your field journal. Your professional team (colleagues working back at the office)
The Pizzeria Owner Locate your business on the boardwalk before the storm. Discuss if this is a good location for your business. Your Pizzeria Boardwalk
The Pizzeria Owner Resources: Coastal winter storms, or northeasters as they are called, because of the direction from which the wind comes, represent a far more common threat to the Jersey shore than that posed by hurricanes. In New England these storms are called nor'easters: inland they're often called blizzards. Record the facts that pose a danger to your boardwalk business. Gather more facts about these storms
The Pizza Owner Read the article and relate to the picture on the next slide. How do you think the loss of sand, electricity and water will affect your restoration efforts?
The Pizzeria Owner Find an Insurance Chart using this link l How much money can you expect in the future? You are in zone A, and have coverage for your building and contents. If you have questions, contact the insurance team. Request copies of the photos taken by the insurance adjuster to evaluate the cost of the damage done by the storm
The Pizzeria Owner Identify Ten Things You Should Know About Mold Why are these people wearing protective masks and gloves while they work?
The Pizzeria Owner This picture shows the sand that deposited after the water receded under your pizzeria. Form a plan to prevent this type of damage in the future. Watch this video that shows water coming into this garage.
The Pizzeria Owner Resources: Interview with a building expert on how to plan better construction Record the changes to your building and the changes to your lifestyle in your field journal.
The Pizzeria Owner. Discuss-Is this restaurant more vulnerable to storm damage than your Pizzeria ? Record your answer in the field guide. During the Storm
The Pizzeria Owner What other options do you have?
Constructing A Plan Work with the rest of the business owners in your town to suggest a plan to repair, rebuild with improvements, relocate or find a new line of work. Your options can include more than one alternative. Discuss the pros and cons of all the options presented from various viewpoints, working together to come to a consensus. Your group must substantiate the arguments with facts and data. Remember, you might have to compromise which is an important part of working in a group. Record your final team plan. Proceed now to the final, wrap up module.