Outline of Presentation Summary of the WREP The Causal Chains Data Collection & Analysis Results of the Case Study Conclusion
Summary of the WREP Case study: Women and Renewable Energy project (WREP) Goal: to promote the utilization of renewable energy to fight desertification and poverty, and to protect the environment. Financial Partners: UNDP and the Governments of the Netherlands and Mali. Implementation Period: between 1992 and 2001 Geographical scope: 130 villages in the three regions (Koulikoro, Sikasso and Segou). Results: –113 solar lighting systems, –74 solar water heaters –27 solar driers –2 wind water pumping system –16 multifunctional platforms of which (03) are running on jatropha oil –Literacy training for more than women, –Maintenance training to 60 local technicians.
Causal Chain for the Solar Water Heating Systems Activity Installation of SWH Output Access to Solar heatingEmployment Energy Services Water heating from SWH Sector of utilisation Health centers Outcomes Reduced firewood consumption Time saving Reduced deforestation Less indoor air pollution Reduced income of wood sellers Income generation Impacts Improvement of health of women and children Economic development Gender Equity Better health services Reduced fuel expenses
Causal Chain for the Solar Lighting Systems Solar PV Systems Activity Output Access to electricity Energy services CommunicationRefrigerationLighting Sector of utilisation Health centresAdult Literacy Centers Outcomes Evening learning Medicines storage Impacts Improvement of Literacy level Improvement of health Improvement of health services
Causal Chain for the MFP Activity Multifunctional Platform (MFP) Output Access to electricity Access to Motive power Employment Energy services Water pumping Milling Sector of utilisation HouseholdsCommercial Outcomes Decreased women work load Increased agricultural production Income generation Lighting Impacts Health improvement Gender equity Economic development Food security Decreased water borne diseases Agriculture
Causal chain for the Solar Dryer ActivitySolar Dryer Output Energy services Sector of utilisation Outcomes Impacts Access to solar drying Crop drying Reduced harvest losses HouseholdsWomen association Food security Employment Poverty reduction Income generation Selling of dried crop Hunger reductionHealth improvement Maintain nutritive value Employment
Causal Chain for the Wind Pumping System Activity Wind Water Pumping Output Increased access to water for irrigation Sector of Utilisation HouseholdsAgriculture Outcome Reduced water borne diseases Increased agricultural production Employment Impacts Improved health Reduced hunger Poverty Reduction
Data Collection & Analysis Data Collection through: Literature review Field trip in eight villages (Konodimini, Koula, Massala, Somonodougouni, Tombougou, Wolonkotoba, Zambougou) through focus group interviews using questionnaires Data analysis: Environmental impacts measured by the reduction of wood fuel consumption and the reduction of CO2 emission. Social impacts were measured by the number of beneficiaries, the improvement of the health centres’ services, the improvement of the literacy rate and the alleviation of the tasks of women. Economic impacts were measured by the savings on the expenses for the purchase of wood fuel, paraffin oil. Incomes generated by the use of the technologies were also used to measure economic impacts. Recall were also used to assess the impacts of the technologies
Results of the case study TechnologySectorProposed link to MDG in Causal Link- here given as impacts Case Study findings & link to MDG SubstantiationRemarks Solar Water Heater HealthPoverty reductionImproved income for individuals and community MDG1 Savings on purchase of fuelwood of US$0.06 [0.17] per visit to clinic & income of US$8.43 [23.51] per yr per health centre for provision of hot water Wood traders are losing part of their market Women and Children Health Better health care of mother and child at clinics- MDG4 & 5 Provision of hot water at delivery times for mother and new baby Used to be difficult to get using wood fire when sick Reduction of Deforestation Avoided forest resource depletion MDG7 Calculated to be 333 ha and 4.5t CO 2 avoided Improvement of Women status Reduced burden on hot water provision MDG3 No more providing fuelwood for hot water
Results of the case study Continued… TechnologySectorProposed link to MDG in Causal Link- here given as impacts Case Study findings & link to MDG SubstantiationRemarks Solar Lighting System HealthHealth ImprovementReduced maternal mortality MDG 5 Safer baby delivery at nightStatistics at health centres show most babies delivered at night Poverty alleviation MDG1 Individual net benefit of shifting from kerosene US$21.51 [60.01] for users at each health centre per year EducationLiteracy Rate improvement Literacy delivery improved MDG2 Better learning environment & extended hours in class at literacy centres Poverty reduction MDG1 Educated women become employable Benefit of shifting from kerosene US$ [357.96] /literacy centre Combined Health & education Environmental sustainability MDG7 Avoided CO2 of 347tons over 15 years Avoided from use of kerosene
Results of the case study Continued… TechnologySectorProposed link to MDG in Causal Link- here given as impacts Case Study findings & link to MDG SubstantiationRemarks Solar DryerAgriculturePoverty ReductionIncome generation MDG1 Community net income of US$ [ ] per dryer per year Food securityReduced production loss MDG1 Avoided loss of perishable fruits and vegetable Improved HealthReduced food contamination MDG1 Avoided effects of flies, dust etc Wind PumpAgriculturePoverty ReductionIncome generation MDG1 Individual gain of US$ [394.81] per year; US$50.06 [139.67] per year per village community Individual income from sale of garden produce; from sale of water pumped for community income Food SecurityIncreased vegetable production MDG1 Through increase in irrigated areas
Results of the case study Continued… TechnologySectorProposed link to MDG in Causal Link- here given as impacts Case Study findings & link to MDG SubstantiationRemarks Multifunctional Platform Food SecurityIncrease in productivity MDG1 Due to increased water for plants Household/ community Poverty ReductionCommunity Income generation MDG1 US$47.17 [131.60] – US$56.60 [157.92] per month or US$ [ ]/yr per platform; From services of pumped water, battery charging, lighting and grinding of cereals Indirect income due to freed time of US$ [ ] per yr per community Food securityAlleviating hunger and improving income MDG1 Through food processing at multifunctional platforms Improving women status Reduced burden on women MDG3 Fetching water and grinding cereals is a thing of the past; 2 hours per day time saved estimated.
Conclusion The case study revealed that: Energy project alone has little impact on development but associated to other development project, it will have significant impact The 4-level diagram is flexible and is very useful for understanding the development impact of energy project There are no universal indicators for impact assessment. The indicators are case specific and therefore the data to be collected Baseline issue can be solved using the combination of recall method and past studies
Awnitié – Merci! –Thank you