Applications of Genetics 1. Gene Therapy – Pg 248 & 267 introducing correct gene to “cure” genetic disease 2. Polymerase Chain Reaction Pg making copies of small amts of DNA to have enough for identification, discovered 1983 Pg making copies of small amts of DNA to have enough for identification, discovered 1983
3. Identify criminals Pg Prove innocence 5. Identify remains 6. Trace human origins and migrations 7. Trace migration of endangered species 8. Make more human insulin faster by inserting gene into bacteria
9. Increasing crop production & nutrition nutrition 10. Making vaccines to make you immune to disease immune to disease 11. cloning?? clones have defects
Human Genome Project Pg 210, 227**,261,262, poster Started in 1990, finished in 2003 $437 million Two goals 1. Determine the sequence of all bases bases 2. Find the location of every gene
Three Findings 1. Only 2% codes for protein 2. Approx. 20,000 genes 3. Others control gene expression Compare genomes of different organisms Pg 262
Accuracy of DNA Fingerprints Pg 258 Compares 5-13 locations of DNA Odds that people will have the same sequence on all 13 sections in a 100 billion!!!! There are only 6 billion people on Earth, so………..