Why could Starbucks sell more sandwiches than prêt ?
Why could Starbucks sell more sandwiches with similar price Q P D S A P Q S D A
Why could Starbucks sell more sandwiches People tend to buy sandwiches because they have no time for breakfast or lunch Go to the Main Library Time is so valuable to me and I ’ m willing to pay much to “ buy the time ” Even a minute has a high marginal utility
Located near the Main Library I have no other choices but to go to Starbucks unless I ’ m willing to spend at least 15 minutes Express Line Take less than 2 minutes to wait
Why could Starbucks sell more sandwiches Face the competition with Maxim Attract people who care about the brand and the so- called “ hand-made ” sandwiches
Even with similar price, Starbucks could sell much more sandwiches that prêt