LIGO-G0200XX-00-M DMT Monitors: Beyond the FOM John Zweizig LIGO/Caltech LLO August 18, 2006
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M Everyone Knows About the FOMs
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M Other Things Aren't So Obvious How do I know what's running? What kinds of data are the monitors producing? Where are the output data located? How do I use them? Can I use DMT to look at new things?
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M Overview DMT Online »data products »Spi Page »Getting the data Running existing monitors. »Setting up the environment »Making a PSLmon configuration »Running offline (or online at LHO?)
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M DMT Data Products Online DMT viewer objects »dmtviewer (FOMs) »webview Trends »Everything you see on the FOMs and a lot more are recorded as trends »1/minute statistical summary (mean, max, min, n, rms)
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M DMT Data Products Status reports »Monitor specific status and configuration info (not standardized) »May contain plots, statistics, channel names, etc. Triggers »Time stamps of interesting events (transients, state changes, readout errors, range overflows, etc) »Lots of metadata to describe transient tim, frequency, etc. Alarms »flag abnormal run states, failures
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M Spi Page Trigger statistics Recent triggers Alarms Monitor docs Status report
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M Viewing Online Data Objects webview »Standard browser accessible plots » dmtviewer »Must install dmtviewer from e.g. ligotools »,
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M webview: Select Monitor
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M webview: Select plot
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M webview: et voila
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M Trend Storage/Retrieval DMT Trend archive directory structure »Online directories: /dmt/ /H-M- »Archive: /archive/frames/dmt/LLO/ /H-M- »Trend writer class writes to $DMTRENDOUT/. Read/process/plot trends like any frame (matlab, root/DMT, etc) or dump with trendtable. Plot trends from control room with dv.
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M dv: Channel Selection
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M dv: Make Plot
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M dv: Plots
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M Triggers Trigger Indicate properties of transient events »Name, subtype »Time: Start, maximum, duration »Frequency: Center, bandwidth, peak Trigger archival »Triggers generated by monitors, are sent to TrigMgr (and then SeqInsert) to be stored in database
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M Retrieve Triggers with Guild
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M Guild Results
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M Running a Monitor Trigger output Monitor report Trend output directory
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M PSLmon Originally written to look at PSL properties (the only subsystem working at the time) Doc: Now – A general purpose set of tools »Band limited RMS (fourier domain) »Glitch finding »Spectra »Coherence (not used/tested/supported)
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M Configuration File Shell command like syntax. Configuration commands »Parameter: Set a run-time parameter »Channel: define a channel to be processed »Filter: Define filters »Band: Create a band-limired RMS tool »Glitch: Create a glitch tool
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M Design a Filter Use foton or root to specify a filter and Look at the Bode plot Check out the time domain response in root
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M Filter design in Root
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M Filter Bode Plot
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M Time Domain Response
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M Create a PSLmon Configuration
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M Running on Bermuda Script Configuration Monitor report files Trend files
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M Dump Trend Channel Names
LIGO-G0200XX-00-M Look at Trends