Gas Turbine Developments Needed to Aid Wind Power Integration Dr. Warren Katzenstein October 21, 2010
Technologies to Pair with Wind Hydropower Storage / Flywheels Natural Gas Turbines Demand Response Oil Coal Nuclear
Gas Turbines Near Ideal Technology Ramp rates are able to handle most wind events – LM6000 can reportedly ramp to full power in 2 minutes from a cold start Adequate capacity Easily sited Low capital cost
Clean Air Interstate Rule
8 GE LM Regression Analysis NOx Emitted (lbs/min)
9 CO 2 Emissions vs Power for LM6000 (idle)
10 Operating Limit Constraint
11 CO 2 Emissions vs Power for SW 501FD
12 Siemens-Westinghouse 501FD Regression Analysis GE Document GER-3568G
Emissions Factors LM6000 Steam, no SCR 501FD DLN, SCR 13
First Steps Analyze the problem – Characterize emission profiles of more generators – Characterize the emission profiles of more technologies – Develop methods to measure changes in power plant emissions due to increased wind energy penetration – Determine scenarios where natural gas generators approach their emission limitations
Possible Solutions Utilize transition firing modes more Redesign turbine combustion cans Encourage development of gas turbines near wind plants far from load – Minimize adverse health affects from NO x emissions Modify market policies
NO x Firing Modes
Dry Low NO x System
Market Redesign Recover increased operation and maintenance costs Replace lost revenue streams Relax or modify emission restrictions for natural gas plants compensating for wind power Modify constrained economic dispatch to account for emissions