Masses on a String Couple n equal masses on a massless string. Displacements i Separation a Constraints 0 = n+1 = 0 Potential from string tension The longitudinal problem is similar Displacements in x Replace tension with elastic springs x 11 Transverse vibration, n segments 00 22 33 nn n+1 a
Small Displacements There is potential energy from each segment. Dependence only on nearest coordinatesDependence only on nearest coordinates Tension times extensionTension times extension Elements 2 /a on diagonalElements 2 /a on diagonal Elements – /a off diagonalElements – /a off diagonal The kinetic energy is from motion of masses . Matrix is diagonalMatrix is diagonal
Large Matrix The direct solution is not generally possible. If there is a solution it is an harmonic oscillator. Each row related to the previous oneEach row related to the previous one The eigenvalue equation reduces to three terms.
Fixed Boundaries The eigenvalue equation gives a result based on . The phase difference depends on initial conditions. Pick sin for 0Pick sin for 0 Find the other end pointFind the other end point Requires periodicityRequires periodicity Substitute to get eigenfrequencies. Integer m gives values for Integer m gives values for
Standing Wave The are the eigenfrequencies. Components of the eigenvectors are similar. All fall on a sine curveAll fall on a sine curve Wavelength depends on m.Wavelength depends on m. The eigenvectors define a series of standing waves.
Periodic Boundaries To simulate an infinite string, use boundaries that repeat. Phase repeats after n intervals. Require whole number of wavelengthsRequire whole number of wavelengths Integer m for solutions with that periodInteger m for solutions with that period Substitute to get eigenfrequencies as before.
Traveling Wave In a traveling wave the initial point is not fixed. Other points derive from the initial point as before. The position can be expressed in terms of the unit length and wavenumber.
The phase and group velocity follow from the form of the eigenfrequencies. Phase velocityPhase velocity Approximate for m << n.Approximate for m << n. Group velocityGroup velocity Wave Velocity