Regional Cerebral Blood Flow during Sign Language Perception Jana, Eduard, Daniel and Mark
Overview I. Introduction I. Introduction → Test related to deaf and hearing children II. Main Part II. Main Part → Subjects & methods III. Conclusion III. Conclusion → Results
I. Introduction 1. Differences between sign and spoken language 1. Differences between sign and spoken language –Bla bla bla………… 2. Effects on brain -Blub Blub Blub 3. Varieties concerning language acquisition - Blang Blang Blang
II. Main Part 1. Deaf group vs. hearing group –B–B–B–Bling Bling Bling 2. Experiment -S-S-S-Shizzle Fizzle Dizzle My Nizzle 2.1 Deaf man recorded on camera while signing -B-B-B-Booyakasha-Hummer 2.2 Activation: During rest vs. during sign language -T-T-T-Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles Shredder What‘s up?
III. Conclusion 1. Results On account of this extraordinary experiment, we are now fully capable of analyzing and interpreting the overall effects of Regional Cerebral Blood Flow during Sign Language Perception