An Introduction to the Schedule A Hiring Authority Waneda Robertson HR Specialist Schedule A Coordinator Michelle Maloney, MS, CRC, CPRP Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Specialist Reasonable Accommodation (RA) Coordinator Minneapolis VA Health Care System (MVAHCS)
Learning Objectives – Learn the legal requirements for hiring and promoting people with disabilities. – Understand the targeted disabilities. – Learn about the Schedule A hiring process. – Learn about the Schedule A letter requirements. – Understand the differences between Title 5 vs. Hybrid Title 38 Positions. – Learn the “How To” of federal resumes.
Rehabilitation Act Congress charged each federal agency to promote the hiring and retention of individuals with disabilities by: 1. Being a model employer through use of meaningful affirmative hiring, placement, and advancement opportunities; and 2. Preventing discrimination against applicants and employees with disabilities, and providing reasonable accommodation.
VA Targeted Disabilities FY 2014 Targeted DisabilitiesMinneapolis VA Blindness4.10% Deafness9.23% Missing Extremities2.05% Partial Paralysis6.15% Total Paralysis00.00% Epilepsy12.31% Severe Intellectual Disabilities3.08% Psychiatric Disabilities30.76% Dwarfism00.00% Total Targeted Disabilities661.68% Total Reportable Disabilities %
VA’s Hiring Goals The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is committed to increasing the representation of qualified individuals with disabilities in all levels of its workforce. Goals for FY14: Of all hires, 3% are to be individuals with targeted disabilities. There is a 2% on board goal for individuals with targeted disabilities. 5
Minneapolis VA Goals Develop partnerships with community organizations in order to recruit and employ qualified individuals with disabilities. – Minneapolis Placement Partnership (MPP) Job Fair – South Metro Placement Partnership Job (SMPP) Fair Educate managers and employees on the reasonable accommodation process. Educate managers and supervisors about the Schedule A hiring authority. Educate managers and employees about people with disabilities. 6
OPM Guidance: Agencies must increase their use of Schedule A. Vacancy announcements must invite individuals with disabilities to apply. All job announcements must state the physical requirements (and medical standards). Job announcements must avoid creating barriers to applicants with disabilities. (Ex. Ability to communicate orally.) Agencies must increase their hires and retention of individuals with targeted disabilities. 7
Hiring Individuals with Targeted Disabilities – Steps to Achieving Goals 1.Recruit specifically for this group. 2.If two candidates are equally qualified, encourage the hiring official to hire the one with a targeted disability. 3.Use the Schedule A non-competitive excepted appointment authority for Title 5 positions.
What is Schedule A? Schedule A is a Federal hiring authority used to non-competitively appoint persons with disabilities to vacancies within the agency. *Schedule A applicants can be received by HR at any time. 9
Schedule A is Flexible No job announcement is necessary. Allows VA to hire qualified individuals quickly, within one to two weeks, depending on the facility’s on- boarding process. Schedule A candidates can apply after the announcement closes, up to the time a job offer is made. Can be used for Title 5 positions at any grade level.
Schedule A is Flexible, continued There is no limit to the number of times an individual can use Schedule A. There is no requirement for an updated Schedule A letter. There is no requirement for VA to “verify” the statements in the letter. Veterans with disabilities can be hired via Schedule A. 11
Title 38 Positions Since all Title 38 positions are non-competitive, Schedule A does not apply. HR staff can recruit qualified candidates with targeted disabilities for Title 38 positions and submit their resumes to the hiring official. Depending on the union rules, there may be no need to advertise the position. Hiring officials should always be informed when a qualified individual with a targeted disability applies to a Title 38 position, even one that was announced. Examples of Title 38 positions are Nurses, Doctors, Nursing Assistant, Medical Support Assistant, Medical Technologist, etc. 12
Schedule A Process Recruit suitable candidates with targeted disabilities. Obtain a resume and Schedule A letter. Encourage applicant to specify job interest. Match the applicant to a funded Title 5 vacancy (does not have to be announced). Give the resume/application to the hiring official. 13
Schedule A Process, continued If the manager agrees to interview the candidate, assist with setting up an interview, with accommodation if needed. Coach any manager who has never interviewed or employed an individual with a disability. The hiring official does not see the Schedule A letter if it specifies the disability. 14
Schedule A Appointments Three types of appointments are available: – Temporary – Time-limited (NTE) – Permanent Tip: If a candidate does not have a certification of job readiness, s/he can be hired in a temporary position and converted to Schedule A after satisfactory performance. 15
Schedule A Letters In order to be eligible for employment through Schedule A, candidates must submit a Schedule A letter. A sample letter is on VA’s disability web page: The letter provides proof of (long term or permanent) disability and certification of job readiness. Letter must be signed by: – Licensed medical professional – Licensed VR Specialist – Any Federal, state, DC, or US territory agency that provides disability benefits. 16
Sample Schedule A Letter for Vocational Rehabilitation Professionals 17
The Schedule A Employee After two years of satisfactory performance, a Schedule A employee should be converted to a career conditional position, and after another year, to career. If there are any performance issues, the supervisor should inquire whether there is anything that can be done to help the employee perform better. (This opens the door for the employee to request an accommodation.) Performance issues should be addressed the first year, not at the end of the second year. 18
Federal Resume Best Practices Demonstrate how your skills, experience, training and education match the employer's needs. There is no page limit! Set an objective and identify the kind of jobs you are interested in. The federal resume must include information that is not needed in the private sector. Your federal resume should include the following: 1.Your full name, mailing address, day and evening phone numbers and home . 2.Veterans Preference 3.Education 4.Work experience (paid and unpaid) Include: job title; duties and accomplishments; employer's name and address, including zip code; supervisor's name and phone number, starting and ending dates (month and year); hours per week; and salary. List each experience as a separate entry on the resume. 19
What are we doing? Share! The Minneapolis VA has created a SharePoint site for Human Resources staff. The SharePoint site houses the resume, transcripts and Schedule A letter. We will encourage our selecting officials to first consider hiring Schedule A applicants before they announce a position on USAJOBS. We are hoping on significant improvement, with an increase in our hires this year. 20
Resources Waneda Robertson HR Specialist/Schedule A Coordinator Michelle Maloney EEO Specialist/Reasonable Accommodation Coordinator Minneapolis VA Health Care System HR Front Desk: (612) Individuals with Disabilities Employment Program (information about Schedule A): QUESTIONS?? Thank You 21