MICE Collaboration meeting RAL 21 – 24 Oct 2005 Summary of Design & Safety review progress By Wing Lau – Oxford University
Progress on the following items: Phase 1 LH2 system R&D LH2 Absorber R&D Fibre Tracker Beamline Target Magnetic Shielding Diffuser Tracker solenoid Hall Infrastructure Cherenkov 1 & 2 TOF MuCAL Phase 2 RFCC AFC Radiation Shield Others
The Hydrogen delivery system R & D We have made excellent progress. This has already been reported in depth in the previous plenary session. The order for the Hydride Bed, though not placed, is in advanced stage of contract negotiation. The dry run revealed the need for a few minor revisions, but we do not expect any show-stopper there. TRD is being revised and will be available before mid-November The external review will take place on the 21 st and 22 nd of November. I believe Tom & Yury’s team is well prepared for that. Provided it passes the external review and the Hydride Bed supplier honours the contract, the R&D work will commence in mid-2006
Absorber R&D Shigeru has continued to make good progress in bringing the hardware together. Although the absorber R&D is not subject to further Safety review (preliminary review already done), we need to review the suitability of the instrumentations which will be applied to the AFC Absorber system Thermal performance; cool down procedures and heat leak data will be used in the final benchmarking of our Absorber design For this reason a Design review is appropriate. Action: Shigeru to submit TRD when R&D results become available (?)
Tracker Solenoid Conductors: Specification is written. Reviewed by the TB. Provided no further changes to the specification, it can go out for tender / price quotation. The rest of the solenoid: Draft TRD is written & submitted – need to revise to reflect small change in coil thickness; Audit spread sheets to be done – this is now urgent This must be completed by mid November for the review to be done before procurement starts Action: Mike Green and Steve Virostek to confirm TRD status as well as completing the Audit Spread sheets
Fibre Tracker TRD and Audit Spread sheets done some time ago. Ghislain is leading the independent review It was reported that significant design changes have been made since the TRD was written. Consequently the Audit Spread sheets are now out of date and need to be revised. The request for document update has been made to Ken Long. The team is waiting for a revised set of documents before continuing with the review Action: Ken Long to respond ASAP
Target TRD preparation is underway Plan to install target prototype in ISIS by end of this year; ISIS is likely to be involved in the review of the design before granting permission to fit target on the Beam Pipe We urgently need to have the TRD written by mid- November Action: Chris Booth to prepare documents urgently
Beamline; Iron Shield; Cherenkov2; TOF & MuCAL; PID support TRD and Audit Spread Sheets have been written awaiting for review assignment The issue: Beamline – likely to be moved by 2m? Is it worth doing the review now? Cherenkov 2 – funding is still unknown. Should review go ahead anyway? PID support final design awaits decision on Cherenkov 2 Action: Wing Lau, Paul Drumm and PID group to tie up the loose ends
Hall Infrastructure TRD is not finalised – uncertainty on the final positions of a number of components; Audit Spread sheet not submitted Action: Yury to advise realistic dates for document submission based on Hall construction schedule
Diffuser; Cherenkov 1 TRD not yet written Reason: Diffuser interchange requirements still to be specified. This may affect the final design; Cherenkov 1 design is not ready. Action: Advice from Alain on Diffuser interchange requirements; Mississippi to submit TRD and Audit Spread sheets once design is finalised
Summary Considerable effort was spent in making sure that the preparation for the Hydrogen System R&D design & safety is ready for the November review. We are almost there, and we would like to thank Elwyn, Tom, Yury and the team for their effort; Progress has been delayed by the continuing update of a number of designs, consequently invalidating the TRD and Audit spread sheets already submitted to this work group. Unfortunately the search for better physics makes design changes inevitable. For some components, imposing a design freeze may not be an option. We need to review our working method to overcome this issue.
Nessun dorma!... Nessun dorma!... Tu pure, o Principessa, nella tua fredda stanza guardi le stelle che tremano d'amore e di speranza! Ma il mio mistero è chiuso in me, il nome mio nessun saprà! No, no, sulla tua bocca lo dirò, quando la luce splenderà! Ed il mio bacio scoglierà il silenzio che ti fa mia! Coro donne: Il nome suo nessun saprà... E noi dovrem ahimè, morir, morir!... Il Principe: Dilegua, o notte! tramontate, stelle! Tramontate, stelle! All'alba vincerò! Vincerò! Vincerò! From Puccini’s opera -- Turandot No one shall sleep Let no one sleep May no one sleep Action: until the job is done……