Government 1183 EU History Lecture Five—February
Key Treaties Treaty of Rome 1957 Single European Act 1986 Treaty of European Union (Maastricht) 1992 Treaty of Nice (2000) European Convention Constitutional Treaty (2004)—not ratified Reform Treaty/Treaty of Lisbon (2007)—not yet ratified
Degrees of European Integration Free trade area—the eurosceptics preference. Free trade area Customs union--A customs union is a grouping of countries with a common external tariff, but with free trade, free movement of labor and capital among themselves. Customs union Common market Economic and monetary union Complete economic integration
Arthur Salter (1931) “...the commercial and tariff policy of European States is so central and crucial a part of their general policy, the receipts from Customs are so central and substantial a part of their revenues, that a common political authority, deciding for all Europe what tariffs should be imposed and how they should be distributed, would be for every country almost as important as, or even more important than, the national Governments, and would in effect reduce the latter to the status of municipal authorities”.
EU at its 25 th Anniversary “a feeble cardiac patient whose condition is so poor he cannot even be disturbed for a birthday party.”
More Jargon Three pillarshree pillars Pillar I: European Community—market/supranationalEuropean Community Pillar II: Common Foreign and Sec. Policy--intergovernmentalCommon Foreign and Sec. Policy Pillar III: Police and Judicial Cooperation--intergovernmentalPolice and Judicial Cooperation
Two Terms of Eurospeak/Jargon Subsidiarity Competences
Question What is the difference between the European Council and the Council of Ministers?
Question Why are Norway and Switzerland not members of the EU? What difference does it make to their national laws and economic policies?
Question How many of the current European Commissioners are from (i) the Baltic Countries; and (ii) Britain, France, and Germany?
Question What is the difference between the European Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Justice?