Cambrian School District Parcel Tax
November 2010 Timeline June Public outreach to parents, teachers, staff Public outreach to external community members Talking points, FAQ, Fact Sheet Information on district website Begin creating ballot resolution Publish notice of public hearing 24 days before board action
November 2010 Timeline July Continue public outreach Finalize ballot resolution Mail newsletter to all registered voters August Board passes resolution to place measure on the ballot – submit measure to Santa Clara County Ballot Argument and Rebuttal
Protect Keys to Academic Success Protect strong core academic programs like reading, writing, science and math Retain qualified and experienced teachers Provide up-to-date technology, as well as essential classroom materials like science equipment to teach 21st century skills Protect small class sizes Continue accelerated academic programs in math and science for high-achieving students, as well as tutoring programs Keep school libraries and librarians
Strict fiscal accountability provisions Every dollar from this measure would stay here in our local elementary schools and could not be taken away by the state. Annual audits and citizen oversight will ensure funds are spent wisely. The measure would expire in 6 years and could not be renewed without voter approval. Senior citizens could receive an exemption.