1960s: JFK and LBJ Years 1960s: Most crucial decade in post-WWII: Cuban missile crisis; civil rights; Vietnam; women’s movement; moon-landing; immigration reform JFK: Cold War Liberal LBJ: Great Society vs. Vietnam War
JFK Election of 1960: Nixon vs. Kennedy; style, TV; closest until 2000; 1 st Catholic Cold War liberal: anti- communist, Cuban missile crisis brought world close to nuclear war, but also took step to ease tension Increased Vietnam buildup Hesitant support for civil rights
LBJ One of the greatest or worst presidents Best record on civil rights; Great Society, War on Poverty; Immigration Reform of 1965 Worst on foreign policy in Vietnam
Civil Rights Martin Luther King as leader March on Washington Sit-ins; SNCC; CORE; Freedom summers Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965 Rise of Black Power; Malcom X; Northern young African Americans