Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Greening Business: An online teaching resource Session 7 Session 7: Transport Suggested session outline
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. How to use the teaching slides These slides are not intended to form a complete lecture on the session topic. These resources are designed to suggest a framework to help tutors develop their own lecture material These resources may be used for undergraduate educational purposes only, for other uses please contact the author When using these resources full acknowledgement to the originator and source should be made. These slides were last updated in February 2010
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Disclaimer Links within this presentation may lead to other sites. These are provided for convenience only. We do not sponsor, endorse or otherwise approve of any information or statements appearing in those sites. The author is not responsible for the availability of, or the content located on or through, any such external site. While every effort and care has been taken in preparing the content of this presentation, the author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information in any of the content. The author also (to the extent permitted by law) shall not be liable for any losses or damages arising from the use of, or reliance on, the information. The author is also not liable for any losses or damages arising from the use of, or reliance on sites linked to this site, or the internet generally. Pictures, photographs and diagrams within this presentation have been produced by the author unless otherwise stipulated No content within this resource is knowingly an infringement of copyright. Any infringement can be immediately rectified on notification of the author of the resource
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Session outline 1.Transport-related emissions in organisations 2.Strategies for reducing transport-based emissions Transport is an important part of any EMS. Contrast the sustainable building design with the transport used… (Photo; Skftafell National Park, SE Iceland, Zoe Robinson)
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Some transport statistics International aviation forms a substantial part of the GHG emissions from many businesses whether this is through business travel or air freight (Photo: Zoe Robinson)
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Work-related transport statistics An organization can’t afford to forget about transport... (Source: kevindooley (flickr.com)) “the absurd vision of the squeaky clean factory or office surrounded by a sea of cars is now a reality” IEMA, 1997, p5
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Types of work-related transport There are several different ‘types’ of work-related travel that an organization will need to consider (Source: Burning Image (flickr.com))
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Motivations to implement more sustainable transport options “efficient transport underpins efficient business” IEMA, 1997, p5 Reducing work-mileage can reduce travel costs (Source: chego101 (flickr.com))
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Environmental and social benefits of more sustainable transport options Less road transport requires less new infrastructure to be built (Photo: SE Iceland, Zoe Robinson)
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Barriers to implementing more sustainable transport options Organizations can face many barriers to implementing more sustainable transport. (Source: Ingorrr (flickr.com))
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Implementing a Green Travel Plan A Green Transport strategy requires the setting and monitoring of targets and communication and consultation with employees Reduce current unsustainable travel + Encourage alternative sustainable practices = Implementation of a Green Travel Plan
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Strategies: Reducing the need to travel The internet and information technologies can act to reduce the need for travel (e.g. through video conferencing) (Photo: Stephen Whitfield)
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Strategies: Improving efficiency where car use is necessary Although the choice of fuel may be one consideration, more important are measures to reduce mileage and increase fuel efficiency through training. (Photo: Hydrogen filling station in Iceland, Zoe Robinson)
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Strategies: Discouraging car use Many organisations already suffer from limited parking spaces (Source: dave 7 (flickr.com))
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Strategies: Encouraging alternatives to single occupant car use Source: Hugo90 (flickr) Lift sharing schemes can be implemented in an organisation. (Source: Shashwat Nagpal (flickr.com))
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Strategies: Encouraging public transport use Organisations can implement a wide variety of strategies to encourage employees to use public transport (Source: lmaoscarjuliet (flickr.com))
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Strategies: Encouraging walking and cycling ‘Walk to work’ days: one way of encouraging alternative transport (Photo: Stephen Whitfield)
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Strategies: Car sharing Car sharing has the advantages of reducing congestion and travel costs as well as reducing emissions, and making parking easier (Source: simon redwood (flickr.com))
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Strategies: Reducing freight emissions Improving haulage logistics to avoid empty lorries on the road can reduce transport emissions. (Source: Paulio Geordio (flickr.com))
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Company car considerations Companies can choose their vehicle fleet on ‘environmental’ grounds (Source: tawalker (flickr.com))
Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. References and further resources Buchan, K. (2008) A low carbon transport policy for the UK accessed at: 11.pdf 11.pdf Friends of the Earth ‘Greening the office’ - Transport Greencarcongress (2008) Report Outlines Transport Policies for Cutting GHG Emissions from UK Transport by 26% by (A nice summary of the findings and recommendations of the Buchan report) IEMA (1997) Transport: Moving people…moving goods. Issues and approaches for the environmental manager. Institute of Environmental Management journal, 5 (1) Stafford Borough Council Green Transport Strategy