1 Numerical geometry of non-rigid shapes Three-Dimensional Face Recognition Three Dimensional Face Recognition “And in stature he is small, chest broad, one arm shorter than the other, blue eyes, red hair, a wart on his cheek, another on his forehead.” Then is it not you, my friend? A.S. Pushkin, Boris Godunov Alexander Bronstein, Michael Bronstein © 2008 All rights reserved. Web: tosca.cs.technion.ac.il
2 Numerical geometry of non-rigid shapes Three-Dimensional Face Recognition Biometrics in the age of Patriarchs “The voice is the voice of Jacob, but the hands are the hands of Esau”
3 Numerical geometry of non-rigid shapes Three-Dimensional Face Recognition First face recognition Galton’s mechanical face recognition machine I contrieved an apparatus […] which I call a mechanical selector. Its object is to find which set out of a standard collection of many sets of measures, resembles any one of given set within specified degree of unlikeness. “ ” Nature, 1888 Sir Francis Galton ( )
4 Numerical geometry of non-rigid shapes Three-Dimensional Face Recognition Face recognition today = ? Is this the same person?
5 Numerical geometry of non-rigid shapes Three-Dimensional Face Recognition Some terminology Gallery Instances of faces of a person with known identity Probe A face unseen before with unknown identity Impostor False rejection Probe deemed dissimilar to gallery of same identity False acceptance Probe of different identity deemed similar to gallery
6 Numerical geometry of non-rigid shapes Three-Dimensional Face Recognition The coin that betrayed Louis XVI Gallery Probe
7 Numerical geometry of non-rigid shapes Three-Dimensional Face Recognition How face recognition works Gallery Probe FACE DISTANCE > threshold? REJECTACCEPT NoYes
8 Numerical geometry of non-rigid shapes Three-Dimensional Face Recognition Recognition accuracy False acceptance rate (FRR) False rejection rate (FAR) High threshold (loose) Low threshold (conservative) Equal Error Eate (EER) FAR = FRR
9 Numerical geometry of non-rigid shapes Three-Dimensional Face Recognition Face distance Discriminative Large between faces of different persons Invariant Small between faces of same person in different conditions
10 Numerical geometry of non-rigid shapes Three-Dimensional Face Recognition + GEOMETRIC (3D) PHOTOMETRIC (2D) What is a face? =
11 Numerical geometry of non-rigid shapes Three-Dimensional Face Recognition What is more important: 2D or 3D? + =
12 Numerical geometry of non-rigid shapes Three-Dimensional Face Recognition What is more important: 2D or 3D? + =
13 Numerical geometry of non-rigid shapes Three-Dimensional Face Recognition
14 Numerical geometry of non-rigid shapes Three-Dimensional Face Recognition Conclusion 1 3D data encodes valuable information about person’s identity Less sensitive to external factors (light, pose, makeup) More difficult to forge
15 Numerical geometry of non-rigid shapes Three-Dimensional Face Recognition The curse of expressions
16 Numerical geometry of non-rigid shapes Three-Dimensional Face Recognition Is geometry sensitive to expressions? x x’ y y’ Euclidean distances
17 Numerical geometry of non-rigid shapes Three-Dimensional Face Recognition Is geometry sensitive to expressions? x x’ y y’ Geodesic distances
18 Numerical geometry of non-rigid shapes Three-Dimensional Face Recognition Conclusion 2 Distance distortion distribution Extrinsic geometry sensitive to expressions Intrinsic geometry insensitive to expressions
19 Numerical geometry of non-rigid shapes Three-Dimensional Face Recognition Isometric model of expressions Facial expressions are approximate isometries of the facial surface Identity = intrinsic geometry Expression = extrinsic geometry A. M. Bronstein et al., IJCV, 2005
20 Numerical geometry of non-rigid shapes Three-Dimensional Face Recognition
21 Numerical geometry of non-rigid shapes Three-Dimensional Face Recognition How to canonize a person? 3D scan Smooting Canonization Cropping
22 Numerical geometry of non-rigid shapes Three-Dimensional Face Recognition Canonical forms of faces
23 Numerical geometry of non-rigid shapes Three-Dimensional Face Recognition SCANNED FACE CANONICAL FORM DISTANCES
24 Numerical geometry of non-rigid shapes Three-Dimensional Face Recognition Telling identical twins apart Extrinsic similarity Intrinsic similarity MichaelAlex
25 Numerical geometry of non-rigid shapes Three-Dimensional Face Recognition Telling identical twins apart MichaelAlex
26 Numerical geometry of non-rigid shapes Three-Dimensional Face Recognition
27 Numerical geometry of non-rigid shapes Three-Dimensional Face Recognition
28 Numerical geometry of non-rigid shapes Three-Dimensional Face Recognition Comparing photometric properties Facial surface with texture 3D canonical form 2D canonical form Two-dimensional canonical form can be used as a common parametrization of the facial textures
29 Numerical geometry of non-rigid shapes Three-Dimensional Face Recognition Spherical embedding R = 80 mmR = 100 mmR = 150 mm