District Grants Larry (Slumpy) Smith RC of China Lake Grants Chair Personal - Grants (cell) (home & FAX)
Acronyms TRF = The Rotary Foundation DRFC – District Rotary Foundation Chair MG = Matching Grant DSG = District Simplified Grant DTG = District Travel Grant –Unique to D5240 DDF = District Designated Funds POC = Point of Contact RC = Rotary Club –Such as RC of China Lake
Grants Committee Chair – Larry Smith (China Lake) Co-Chair – Heather Frankle (Simi Sunrise) –Future Vision/Pilot & Non-Pilot district issues – Member – Bob Lata (Paso Robles) – Member – Loretta Butts (Atascadero) – Member – Tim Trujillo (Tehachapi) –
Type of TRF grants Matching Grant International project Partner club required Both a D5240 DDF match and a TRF (World Fund) Approved by TRF Min TRF match - $5K DDF match club cash $1 to $1 TRF match DDF $1 to $1 TRF match club cash 0.5 to $1 Min $100 Partner club TRF will not match Non- Rotarian funds TRF Max of 5 Open MGs/club District Simplified Grant Intl or local Partner not required Only DDF match Approved by the district DDF match $1 to $1 –Max $3K match for 1 club –Max $4K match if 2 or more clubs District can request up to 20% of DDF for DSGs
Matching Grant Types Matching Grants –Up to $25,000 of World Funds requested –Minimum TRF match is $5000 Competitive Matching Grants – Request US$ 25,001 or more from TRF Community Needs Assessment Provide info how project is viable and will be maintained Evidence of Community involvement and ownership Trustees review and approve twice/year –Deadlines are 1 Aug and 1 Jan
Humanitarian projects Rotarian participation in projects –Financial support is NOT considered active involvement Development of Rotary networks Spend consistently with TRF guidelines and approved application Vigilant oversight Sustainability (becoming more important) Appropriate Use of TRF Funds
Eligibility Guidelines
Reporting Progress reports required by TRF at least every twelve months for the life of the grant Final report due within two months of completion Primary report responsibility noted in application –BOTH sponsors are responsible TRF will reject new MG applications if either the Int’l or Host Partner have delinquent reports on open grants –D5240 will not process new MG application if club is delinquent in reports on open MGs or DSGs
Delinquent Reports Continues to be an issue Currently Three D5240 open grants with delinquent reports –Had MGs that were 15 months delinquent in reporting Grants Committee now actively tracking all MG report due dates –3 months prior to report due date MG Primary Contact and Club President will receive an reminder from Grants Committee With follow ups if reports not submitted by due dates Comment in a TRF on 9 Sept: Please note that failure to submit timely reports will affect your club’s or district’s future participation in TRF grant programs.
TRF Grant Reports New process effective 1 July 11 Previous processNew process What this means for your district The first report reminder letter is sent after the grant is overdue. A reminder letter will be sent to grant sponsors two months before a grant becomes overdue. Grant sponsors will receive an early reminder to help reduce the number of overdue grant reports. Report reminder letters are sent 15, 18, 21, 24, and 30 months after a grant has been paid or the last acceptable report was received. The 15- and 21-month reminder letters will be eliminated. Report reminder letters will be sent after 18, 24, and 30 months. Grant sponsors will receive two fewer letters on their overdue grants. List of grant sponsors that receive a 21-month letter is posted on the RI website. The RI website posting has been eliminated. District and club names will no longer be posted on the RI website.
Future Vision District 5240 is a Non-Pilot District –Operate under the current (old) system of Matching Grants (MGs) and District Simplified Grants (DSGs) during our year –Cannot do a Matching Grant (MG) with a Pilot District Can transfer DDF to a Pilot District club for ongoing projects with clubs in a Pilot District –See Heather Frankle –Cannot donate to a Global Grant nor a Pilot District club cannot donate to a MG –Can do a DSG in a Pilot District since there is no match from TRF and a Int’l Partner is not required
D5240 DDF Allocation System MG DDF is allocated to each club based on three prior years APF giving as a percentage of total District APF –Fosters cooperation and communications between clubs –Clubs more aware of APF contribution to district’s total APF Club owns their allocation until a pre- determined cutoff date –Use for your club’s MG or transfer to another club for their MG –After per-determined cutoff date unused funds return to the District Grants Committee First come-first served
MG DDF Allocation Period from 1 July to Midnight 31 Aug $160K of DDF allocated for MGs Can collect as much DDF as needed = no limits during allocation period But…..Always a $1 DDF match for $1 of club cash…and no more! Transfer Forms required if transferring DDF allocations from one club to another for a MG –Transfer Forms must be attached to MG application If no plans to use your allocation, please tell me
MG Policy starting 1 Sept (allocation period has ended) If MG application submitted on 1 Sept or after = Same as this year Base of $3K match to a Max of $6K –Always $1 for $1 Extra $1K for each additional club up to $2K extra Extra $1K for each area of TRF Focus up to $2K extra New ‘Waiver’ clause added
District Simplified Grant (DSG) Policy DDF for DSGs = $57, Raised limits –$3K for a one club DSG –$4K for 2 or more clubs Always a $1 for $1 match DSG eligibility, Terms and Conditions essentially identical to MGs Reimbursable
DSG Limits (new as of 21 June 2011) 1.During the Rotary year, a club can apply for a maximum of four (4) DSGs and/or a total DSG DDF match of $ If a D5240 club is the supporting/secondary club on the DSG but contributes $501or more to the DSG, it will count as one of that club’s 4 DSGs and will be counted against their $8K limit. If a supporting/secondary club contributes $500 or less of club cash to the DSG it will only count towards their $8K DDF total match for the year and not their 4 DSG limit. 3.A lead/primary club on a DSG can only have 3 open DSGs at any time including any xx DSGs still open from the Rotary year. 4.On 1 Feb 2012, if there is more than $15K of DSG funds remaining, the limits will be lifted and allow any clubs who may have reached the 4 DSG and/or $8K limit to submit additional DSG applications until the funds are exhausted although the 3 DSGs open at one time limit will still apply.
District Travel Grant Unique to our District Funded by the District’s Charitable Foundation Current rules: –Max $1,500 individual/ $3,000 club –Once every 3 yrs/individual Rotarian –One DTG/club/year –Reimbursable –Match is $1 for $1 district to club or individual –May be used for any reasonable cost IE Shots, rental van or shuttle, meals…
D5240 Rotaract Matching Grant Program (RMG) DCF has established a Rotaract Grant program $2000 max match –One time limit –Can be in multiple increments Must be partner with a Rotary club who is participating in the grant Same requirements as a TRF MG Reimburseable
D5240 Grant pitfalls Attempting to use grants for “donations” to other organizations Attempting to use grant funds to purchase non- humanitarian items Changing project after grant approval No or little Rotarian involvement in grant project by Int’l Club (D5240 club) Not reading TRF Terms and Conditions or Eligibility Guidelines Completion Checklist not used
D5240 Grants Committee Issues & procedures Don’t send applications to me in piecemeal fashion Do not send your MG or DSG as individual 1 page.jpeg files –Reset your scanner preferences to scan to.pdf files Use the TRF MG calculator Use the completion checklist on a MG –Check the boxes We will review drafts Once the MG application has been certified, it’s your responsibility to send it to TRF Contact Center Host club district can certify the MG
Report Content Project accomplishments Rotarian involvement Information on the beneficiary Statement of income and expense Bank statement Certifying Signature
Communicate with partners for life of project Establish committees to oversee project –3 Rotarians each from Host and Int’l clubs Plan and implement project jointly Visit project site Submit reports to TRF Ensure proper stewardship of grant funds Rotarian Involvement
Project Committee At least six Rotarians (3 from each club) Oversees and implements project Reports to board of sponsoring clubs
Stewardship Treating TRF funds as a sacred trust Competent and thorough supervision of the project Implementing projects as approved Financial review of projects
Separate accounts should be established for each grant –Two signature accounts Payment should be made to a bank account opened specifically for the project –TRF does not allow funds to be split between multiple accounts Project account name should be such that it is easily identifiable with the club and project Use of club charitable foundations? –Acceptable but not preferred MG Bank Accounts
Financial Records Demonstrates that funds were used effectively and efficiently Meets the conditions of the grant award Meets all legal requirements Embodies trust and opens the door for future projects Recommend use a program like QuickBooks for project execution
Top 10 Matching Grant Pitfalls 1.Budget does not equal Financing 2.Rotarian Participation consisted only of contributing Funds 3.Contributions were sent to TRF before Grant approval 4.Application is submitted in piecemeal fashion 5.Partners are delinquent on reporting 6.Application is missing signatures 7.Communication between Partners is weak 8.Project does not meet real needs of community 9.Partner clubs are not in good standing with RI 10.Partners changed project scope without prior approval from TRF
Back ups
District MG Tracking spreadsheet