Motor cortical areas: the homunculus The motor system
Major Cortical areas involved in planning and execution of “purposeful” movements
Directional Tuning of MI Cells Movement onset (Georgopoulos et al 1982) P.D.
Set related responses in Pre-motor Cortex Prepare LEFT movementPrepare RIGHT movement
Mirror neurons Rizzolatti et al., 1996
Basic properties of the Mirror Neurons Rizzolatti et al. 1996
A multimodal representation of action
Mirror neurons in the Parietal cortex: Intention understanding?
Mirror neurons show the same specificity when actions are preformed by the experimenter
What is represented by the MN? Actions or goals? Hand unit210unit199 Umlita et al., 2008 closure opening
The mirror system – abstract representation of movement goals? Recordings from 37 mirror neurons in F5 in a “hidden action” paradigm 19/37 mirror neurons responded significantly in the hidden condition. 7/19 – strong responses (hidden=visual) (Umilta et al., 2001). Full vision Hidden vision
The mirror system in humans
Cortical activation during observation of mouth hand and foot action
Shmuelof & Zohary 2006 Viewed-Hand identity effects in parietal cortex
Visual and motor hand areas in the human parietal cortex
Specificity of visually defined “hand areas” to motor actions
Human mirror system Dinstein, J. Neuroscience (2008) Execute d Observe d fMRI response
FistHang loose Thumbs up The finger Hang loose mirror neuron The finger mirror neuron
Monkey mirror neurons Gallese, Brain (1996)
A deeper understanding of “mirror like voxels”
Mirror neurons should show cross-modal adaptation Mirror regions should be active both during viewing action and motor action
Adaptation First presentation Repeated presentation
Movement selective adaptation RepeatsNon-repeats
Visual adaptation Observe RepeatsNon-repeats
Motor adaptation Execute RepeatsNon-repeats
Cross-modal adaptation ExecuteObserveExecuteObserve RepeatsNon-repeats
Cross-modal adaptation ObserveExecuteObserveExecute RepeatsNon-repeats
Rock paper scissors Dinstein 2008 Get extra $10 if you win more than you lose!
Game Timeline Observe Time
Execute Time Game Timeline Observe
RepeatNon-repeat Execute Time Game Timeline Observe
RepeatNon-repeat Execute Time Game Timeline Observe
RepeatNon-repeat Execute Time Game Timeline Observe
RepeatNon-repeat Execute Time Game Timeline Observe
RepeatNon-repeat Execute Time Game Timeline Observe
RepeatNon-repeat Execute Time Game Timeline
Visual adaptation Green: observed non-repeat > repeat Mirror system areas
Motor adaptation Purple: executed non-repeat > repeat Mirror system areas
Motor & visual adaptation Yellow: overlap of motor and visual adaptation Mirror system areas
Motor & visual adaptation Yellow: overlap of motor and visual adaptation No cross modal adaptation Mirror system areas
ROI Analysis
Adaptation summary 1.Selectivity for movements in “Mirror system” areas. 2.Adaptation may be taking place in a single population of mirror neurons and/or in two separate populations of visual and motor neurons adapting independently. 3.We now have a way of studying movement selective responses; the critical feature of neural populations involved in movement perception. Dinstein J. Neurophysiology 2007
Classification Typical mirror region = ~ 300 voxels ExecutedObserved fMRI response
Classification Executed fMRI response No specificity in the overall fMRI signal (across voxels)
Classification Specificity in the fMRI signal (within voxels)
Movement selective patterns StrongWeak Activation level
Are patterns distinct & reproducible? Trial #1 …. Execute Trial #2 Trial #3 Trial #4
Are patterns distinct & reproducible? Trial #1 …. Observe Trial #2 Trial #3 Trial #4
Classify movement patterns Decoding accuracy R P S Execute d Observe d R P S Primary motor & somatosensory
Classify movement patterns Decoding accuracy R P S Execute d Observe d R P S Early visual areas
Classify movement patterns Decoding accuracy R P S Execute d Observe d R P S Ventral premotor
Classify movement patterns Decoding accuracy LeftRight R P S Execute d Observe d Execute d Observe d Anterior intraparietal sulcus
Different patterns across modalities Executed to observed Observed to executed R P S Left aIPSRight aIPS
Execute Different patterns across modalities Observe