A Short Introduction to PVM and MPI Philip Papadopoulos University of California, San Diego Department of CSE San Diego Supercomputer Center
Outline What is message passing? Why do I care? “Hello-World” for message passing Level 0 Issues What are PVM and MPI? MPI Implementations Inner-workings of PVM
But First … Please ask questions at any time Things will be more interesting when you do I’d rather answer questions. Got it?
What is Message Passing? Why Do I Care Message passing allows two processes to: –Exchange information –Synchronize with each other Message passing is “Sockets for Dummies” So? – Applications need much more power and or memory than a single machine can deliver –Large parallel programs need well-defined mechanisms to coordinate and exchange info
Message Passing in the HPC World Large scientific applications scale to 100’s of processors (routinely) and 1000’s of processors (in rare cases) –Climate/Ocean modeling –Molecular physics (QCD, dynamics, materials, …) –Computational Fluid Dynamics –And many more … Message passing and SPMD programming style have been key infrastructure enablers –Why not shared memory?
How Does Message Passing Differ from Socket Programming Socket programming (OS 101) is a type of message passing –Open, bind, connect, accept too arcane –sendto, recvfrom (UDP) not reliable –Good point-to-point, multicast, broadcast are limited Message passing usually means (pt-2-pt) –Low latency –High performance –Reliable, in-sequence delivery +Group operations +Broadcast +Reduce (eg, sum an array whose parts are held in different processes) +Group synchronize (barrier)
Hello World – MP Style Process A Initialize Send(B, “Hello World”) Recv(B, String) Print String –“Hi There” Finalize Process B Initialize Recv(A, String) Print String –“Hello World” Send(A, “Hi There”) Finalize
Message Addressing Identify an endpoint Use a tag to distinguish a particular message –pvm_send(dest, tag) –MPI_SEND(COMM, dest, tag, buf, len, type) Receiving –recv(src, tag); recv(*,tag); recv (src, *); recv(*,*); What if you want to build a library that uses message passing? Is (src, tag) safe in all instances?
Level O Issues Basic Pt-2-Pt Message Passing is straightforward, but how does one … –Make it go fast Eliminate extra memory copies Take advantage of specialized hardware –Move complex data structures (packing) –Receive from one-of-many (wildcarding) –Synchronize a group of tasks –Recover from errors –Start tasks –Build safe libraries –Monitor tasks –…
MPI-1 addresses many of the level 0 issues (but not all)
A long history of research efforts in message passing P4 Chameleon Parmacs TCGMSG CHIMP NX (Intel i860, Paragon) PVM … And these begot MPI
So What is MPI It is a standard message passing API –Specifies many variants of send/recv 9 send interface calls –Eg., synchronous send, asynchronous send, ready send, asynchronous ready send –Plus other defined APIs Process topologies Group operations Derived Data types Profiling API (standard way to instrument MPI code) –Implemented and optimized by machine vendors –Should you use it? Absolutely!
So What’s Missing in MPI-1? Process control –How do you start 100 tasks? –How do you kill/signal/monitor remote tasks I/O –Addressed in MPI-2 Fault-tolerance –One MPI process dies, the rest eventually hang Interoperability –No standard set for running a single parallel job across architectures (eg. Cannot split computation between x86 Linux and Alpha)
What is PVM? Resource Management –add/delete hosts from a virtual machine Process Control –spawn/kill tasks dynamically Message Passing –blocking send, blocking and non-blocking receive, mcast Dynamic Task Groups –task can join or leave a group at any time Fault Tolerance –VM automatically detects faults and adjusts Heterogeneous Virtual Machine support for:
Popular PVM Uses Poor man’s Supercomputer –Beowulf (PC) clusters, Linux, Solaris, NT –Cobble together whatever resources you can get Metacomputer linking multiple Supercomputers –ultimate performance: eg. have combined nearly 3000 processors and up to 53 supercomputers Education Tool –teaching parallel programming –academic and thesis research
PVM In a Nutshell Each host (could be an MPP or SMP) runs a PVMD A collection of PVMDs define a virtual machine Once configured, tasks can be started (spawned), killed, signaled from a console Basic message passing Performance is OK, But API Semantics limit optimizations
MPI Design Goals Make it go as fast as possible Operate in a serverless (daemonless environment) Specify portability but not interoperability Standardize best practices of research environments Encourage competing implementations Enable the building of safe libraries The “assembly language” of Message Passing
MPI in the Marketplace MPICH Mississippi-Argonne open source –A top-quality reference implementation – High Performance Cluster MPIs –AM-MPI, FM-MPI, PM-MPI, GM-MPI, BIP-MPI 10us latency, 100MB/sec on Myrinet Vendor supported MPI –SGI, Cray, IBM, Fujitsu, Sun, Hitachi, … MPI Vendors –ScaMPI, MPI Soft-Tech, Genias, …
Comparisons interoperability fault tolerance heterogeneity resource control dynamic model MPP performance many communication methods topology static model (SPMD) PVMMPI Best Distributed Computing Best Large Multiprocessor Each API has its unique strengths Evaluate the needs of your application then choose
PVM? MPI? PVM is easy to use, especially on a network of workstations. Its message passing API is relatively simple MPI is a standard, has a steeper learning curve and doesn’t have a standard way to start tasks –MPICH does have an “mpirun” command If building a new scalable, production code, should use MPI (widely supported now) If experimenting with message passing, are interested in dynamics, use PVM.
Some Inner Workings of PVM Every process has a unique, virtual-machine-wide, identifier called a task ID (TID) PVMDs run on each host and act as points of presence A single master PVMD disseminates current virtual machine configuration and holds something called the PVM mailbox. The VM can grow and shrink around the master (if the master dies, the machine falls apart) Dynamic configuration is used whenever practical
host (one per IP address) pvmd - one PVM daemon per host pvmd How PVM is Designed libpvm - task linked to PVM library pvmds fully connected using UDP task Unix Domain Sockets inner host messages OS network interface task Shared Memory shared memory multiprocessor P0P1P2 task distributed memory MPP task internal interconnect tcp direct connect
PVM Tasks Can Use Multiple Transports Uses sockets mostly –Unix-domain on host –TCP between tasks on different hosts –UDP between Daemons (custom reliability) SysV Shared Memory Transport for SMPs –Tasks still use pvm_send(), pvm_recv() Native MPP –PVM can ride atop a native MPI implementation
PVM uses tid to identify pvmd, tasks, groups Fits into 32-bit integer S bit addresses pvmd, G bit forms mcast address Local part defined by each pvmd - eg. for PGON Task ID (tid) 18 bits12 bits S G host ID local part 12 bits S G host ID process node ID 11 bits7 bits 4096 hosts2048 nodeseach with
Things to note about PVM Addressing Addresses contain routing information by virtue of the host part –Transport selection at runtime is simplified Bit-mask + table lookup Moving a PVM task is very difficult –Condor (U. Wisc) with effort Group/multicast bit makes it straightforward to implement multicast within pt-2-pt infrastructure
Communication Context in MPI MPI Wraps together Group and Context into a single entity called a Communicator MPI program starts with one Communicator –MPI_COMM_WORLD All communicators are derived from this Library implementers are passed a communicator (group) and derive a new communicator -> Safe comm envelope Messages have a 3-tuple to identify them –(comm, src, tag) –Comm cannot be wildcarded
Communication Context in PVM One task gets and distributes a new globally unique context newcontext = pvm_newcontext( ); broadcast newcontext to all tasks or put it in persistent message oldcontext = pvm_setcontext( newcontext)); newcontext = pvm_setcontext( oldcontext)); pvm_freecontext( newcontext); Safe communication for your application or library All tasks switch to safe context Be aware: Unlike MPI, the current Context is not explicit in the Send/recv API
Receiving a message (library viewpoint) Messages arrive into a process and must be discriminated –Message header contains, src, tag, context, length, flags –Library “buffers” incoming messages until task receives Must be match available messages with match criteria –Tasks may ask to process messages in a different order than they are actually received (MPI has many variants of send/recv to handle various cases for optimization) PVM allows message handlers to that when a particular match criteria occurs, a subroutine is called
Message Handlers Source,tag,context VM control messages User defined handlers Handler function Incoming mesg. Data or Control messages Active mesg.
Persistent Messages Tasks can store and retrieve messages by name Distributed information database for dynamic programs –provides rendezvous, attachment, groups, many uses. Multiple messages per “name” possible index = pvm_putinfo( name, msgbuf, flag) pvm_recvinfo( name, index, flag ) pvm_delinfo( name, index, flag ) pvm_getmboxinfo( pattern, #names, array of struct )
Persistent Messages Message box Message box storage is coordinated across pvmds Key: message Task 2 Task stores information eg. How to contact application, or Network load forecast, etc. Task 1 Later, another task can request this message and receive it normally Task can specify when and who can replace a message it has placed in the message box.
Monitoring Performance PVM allows messages to be “traced” so that flows can be debugged MPI provides a standard profiling interface to build profiling tools –Nupshot, Jumpshot, MPITrace, VaMPIr, … XPVM (screen shot next slide) provides visual information about machine utilization, flows, configuration
XPVM Screen Shot
Wrapping Up MPI has a very rich messaging interface and designed for efficiency – PVM has a simple messaging interface + –Process control, Interoperability, Dynamics – Perform comparably when on Ethernet MPI outperforms when on MPP Both are still popular, but MPI is an accepted community standard with many support chains.