Yun-Pi Yuan1 Phonetics I. DefinitionDefinition II.Consonants A. Definition B. Voicing C. Place of Articulation D. Manner of Articulation E. Computer Software III. VowelsVowels IV. Position of the Tongue, Lips; Degree of Muscle TensionPosition of the TongueLipsDegree of Muscle Tension V. Phonetic SymbolsPhonetic Symbols VI. English and Mandarin SoundsEnglish and Mandarin Sounds VII. Uses of MPSUses of MPS
Yun-Pi Yuan2 Definition Phonetics: The study of speech sounds (Yule 41) Articulatory phonetics: how speech sounds are made Acoustic phonetics: physical properties of speech Auditory phonetics: perception of speech sounds Forensic phonetics: in legal cases involving speaker identification and the analysis of recorded utterances Q: Why do we have many different individual sounds?
Yun-Pi Yuan3 Distinguish between Words 1.low, row 2.ban, pan 3.bat, bad 4.bit, but 5.lan( 爛 ), lang( 浪 )
Yun-Pi Yuan4 Consonants (1) Definition: the air coming up out of the lungs is blocked somewhere in the vocal tract(=place), or squeezed thru a small hole formed for med at some place in the vocal tract. e.g. blocked completely: /p/ squeezed: /f/ combo: / tS /
Yun-Pi Yuan5 Consonants (2) Voicing: Voiced (+v): If the vocal cards are together, the airstreams forces it way through and causes them to vibrate. Voiceless (-v): When the vocal cards are spread apart, the air from the lungs passes between them unimpeded
Yun-Pi Yuan6 Consonants (3) Place of Articulation (Nash 39) = Where a speech sound is made? Bilabials: [p, b, m] Labiodentals: [f, v] Dental: [ Q, ð] Alveolar: [t, d, n, s, z, l] Retroflex: [r] Palato-alveolar: [ S, Z ] Palatals: [ tS, dZ ] Velars: [k, g, ŋ ] Glottal: [h]
Yun-Pi Yuan7 Consonants (4) Manner of articulation (Nash 40) =How a speech sound is made? Stop: [p, b, t, d, k, g] Nasal: [m, n, ŋ] Fricative: [f, v, Q, ð, s, z, S, Z, h ] Affricative: [ tS, dZ ] Approximants: Glide: [w, j, r] Liquid: [l] Tap: [t, d]
Yun-Pi Yuan8 Place and Manners of Articulation Label Place Manner Examples (a)alveolar stop top, dog (b)labiodental fricative food, Vivian (c)dental fricative thanks, then [ -v, ð+v ] (d)bilabial stop play, baby (e)palato-alveolar fricative she, genre (f)palatal affricate church, judge (g)velar stop kite, gorgeous
Yun-Pi Yuan9 Accent Coach Consonants lesson (see tongue positions) English vowels Vowel lessons Vowel review
Yun-Pi Yuan10 Vowels Definition: vowels are formed by shaping the air in the vocal tract, rather than by blocking or squeezing it in some way. (Nash 42) Position of the tongue (Nash 46;Yule 48)Position of the tongue Degree of muscle tension Position of the lips Diphthongs: vowels which move from one vowel towards another in one syllable.Diphthongs
Yun-Pi Yuan11 Vowel Chart h f c b + m = (Nash 46; Yule 48) l (This grid = abstract representation of position of tongue inside your mouth)
Yun-Pi Yuan12 Position of the Tongue (1) Front vowels: heat /hit/high hit /h It / hate /het/mid head /h d/ had /hæd/ low
Yun-Pi Yuan13 Position of the Tongue (2) Central vowels: high mid ^ low
Yun-Pi Yuan14 Position of the Tongue (3) Back vowels: fool /ful/high full /f l/ foe /fo/mid fall /f O l/ far /f r /low
Yun-Pi Yuan15 Degree of muscle tension e.g. tense vs. lax i I u U e o O / æ, K, V, A / all lax
Yun-Pi Yuan16 Position of the lips e.g. rounded vs. unrounded u, U, o, O i, I, e, , æ, etc. Mandarin /yü/ ( ㄩ ) 魚 or 呂 (lü) =high, front, rounded---equivalent to /i/ + rounded
Yun-Pi Yuan17 Diphthongs Combination of vowels: start with one vowel, and then move to another vowel within one syllable e.g. /a I / (ay), /au/ (aw), / OI / (oy), /e I / (ei) and more Diphthongization: the process of making diphthongs; happen with a wide rang of vowel sounds and is more common in some varieties of Eng. (e.g., Southern British).
Yun-Pi Yuan18 Phonetic Symbols (1) Shorthand descriptions of the distinctive features of individual speech sounds /b/ + consonantal - vocalic + bilabial + stop + voiced /p/ + consonantal - vocalic + bilabial + stop - voiced
Yun-Pi Yuan19 Phonetic Symbols (2) /m/ + consonantal - vocalic + bilabial + nasal
Yun-Pi Yuan20 Phonetic Symbols (3) /f/ + consonantal - vocalic + labiodental + fricative - voiced
Yun-Pi Yuan21 Phonetic Symbols (4) /j/ - consonantal - vocalic + palatal + voiced - rounded
Yun-Pi Yuan22 Phonetic Symbols (5) /w/ - consonantal - vocalic + velar + bilabial + voiced
Yun-Pi Yuan23 Phonetic Symbols (6) / æ / - consonantal + vocalic + front + low + lax - rounded
Yun-Pi Yuan24 Phonetic Symbols (7) /y/ ㄩ /i/- consonantal+ vocalic+ high+ front + rounded- rounded+ tense
Yun-Pi Yuan25 Phonetic Symbols (8) / / + consonantal - vocalic + velar + nasal + voiced
Yun-Pi Yuan26 Phonetic Symbols (9) ㄅ /p / ㄆ /p’/ ㄖ /z/ +consonantal +consonantal+consonantal -vocalic -vocalic -vocalic +bilabial +bilabial +retroflex +stop +stop +fricative -aspirated +aspirated +voiced
Yun-Pi Yuan27 English & Mandarin Sounds See Nash p. 45, 42 for consonants (add semi- vowels /w/ & /j/ to Mandarin) See Nash p. 46 for vowels. Difference in description of consonants: +- v vs. +- aspirated (BUT: ㄖ is +v) 注音符號 called Mandarin Phonetic Symbols, but not completely phonetic Don’t follow principle of having one symbol represents one sound, and only one sound
Yun-Pi Yuan28 注音符號 not phonetic symbols ㄢ n ㄣ n ㄤ ㄥ ; each = v + c one symbol for two sounds ㄨ = {u, wu, w} 無、吳 /wu/ 為 /we/ 、王 /w / 龍 /lu / 一 = {i, j} 義 /i/ 也 /je/
Yun-Pi Yuan29 Uses of MPS MPS work fine for helping children learn to read or foreigners learn Mandarin But: misleading for linguistic analysis and can lead to confusion Example: claim that / / is not a Mandarin sound Not real phonetic symbols That’s why you see other phonetic symbols (IPA based) in Nash.