PHYS3004 Crystalline Solids Prof. P.A.J. de Groot
1. BONDING IN SOLIDS Born-Oppenheimer Approximation Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals
1. BONDING IN SOLIDS Covalent bonding Ionic bonding Metallic bonding Van der Waals bonding
1. BONDING IN SOLIDS Covalent bonding: LCAO Bonding and anti-bonding states
2. CRYSTAL LATTICES Lattice & basis Wigner-Seitz cell R1
3. RECIPROCAL LATTICE Diffraction of waves (x-rays) Reciprocal lattice
3. RECIPROCAL LATTICE First Brillouin zone Bloch theorem:
4. FREE ELECTRON MODEL – JELLIUM Electrons in a box Time independent Schrödinger eq. Plane wave solutions Boundary conditions (box is finite)
4. FREE ELECTRON MODEL – JELLIUM Density of states Fermi energy
4. FREE ELECTRON MODEL – JELLIUM Charge oscillations – plasmons Electrical transport (relaxation time) Quantum Jellium Hall effect Breakdown of Jellium Model
5. NEARLY-FREE ELECTRON MODEL Perturbation theory – only significant changes in E(k) near degenerate points
5. NEARLY-FREE ELECTRON MODEL Effective mass Electrons and holes
6. TIGHT BINDING jellium nearly-free electrons tight binding atoms
6. TIGHT BINDING LCAO Bloch theorem Crystal momentum
7. MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF CRYSTALS Paramagnetism – partly filled shells Curie’s law
7. MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF CRYSTALS Pauli paramagnetism Ferromagnetism & mean field theory
8. SEMICONDUCTORS Intrinsic Doping (donors/acceptors) Valence band Conduction band
8. SEMICONDUCTORS Transport (electrons/holes) Einstein relation
8. SEMICONDUCTORS MOSFET Depletion width Gate-controlled conduction channel 2D electron gas – quantum Hall effect Vs metal SiO2 x p-Si