Post Traumatic Stress Disorder By: Véda, Amy, and Alyssa om/_eDs_b 1LRt6I/TEH NZ- XYpAI/AAA AAAAAEwY /AgErgzyXt IY/s1600/O KSoldierPT SD.jpg ww.medi news/fea tured- news/pos t- traumatic -stress- disorder.j pg
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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Description Also known as PTSD A severe anxiety problem that can result from an emotional or shocking experience About 3.6% of Americans (5.2 million people) Symptoms usually start to appear within 3 months of traumatic event Some can be cured in as little as 6 months, some much longer Other anxiety disorders, co-occurring depression, or alcohol/drug abuse often come with PTSD Another factor is responding to certain incidents with extreme fear, vulnerability, and terror.
Causes Can arise from war, natural disasters, dangerous accidents, or life-threatening personal assaults Eg. Rape, mugging, shooting, earthquake, military combat, car accident, or a plane crash It can occur in any age, including childhood /va-loan- blog/wp- content/uploa ds/2010/08/p tsd-post- traumatic- stress- disorder.jpg
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Symptoms Symptoms usually begin within three months of the event, but in some cases it could be years before they surface. The strength of the symptoms will vary from person to person.
Three Categories Re-experiencing the event Avoidance and emotional numbing Changes in sleep pattern EgiI/AAAAAAAAAH0/oV9JASef7Ug/s1600/ChildSt ress2.jpg , ,2/stock-photo-one-depressed-person-stands- lonely-apart-from-the-group jpg ww.cons umersre searchc Healthc are/Men tal_Heal th/image s/j gif
Re-experiencing Dreams or nightmares Flash backs can be caused by things like a triggering smell, sound or image. Re-experiencing an traumatic event in the mind can cause distress, excessive sweating and the increase of heart rate.
Avoidance and Emotional Withdraw from friends and family Avoid situations which remind of the trauma. They don’t enjoy life as usual Extreme guilt Disassociative state Depression
Disassociative state In rare cases the person acts and reacts as if they are living through the experience again. This can last for anywhere from five minutes to several days. Insomnia and difficulty sleeping Can lead to aggression Difficulty concentrating and finishing tasks Changes in sleep pattern content/uploads/ 2009/12/Insomni a.jpg
Treatments & Therapies Cognitive behavioural therapy Exposure therapy Medicine: known as SSRI’s or anti- depressants. They relieve depression, and anxiety. When you have depression you may not have enough of a chemical in your brain, SSRI’s raise the level of serotonin in your brain. Treatment helps people feel in more control of their life
Cognitive behavioural therapy You are gradually exposed to thoughts about the traumatic event that you experienced. Through this therapy you identify upsetting thoughts about the trauma that are distorted.
Exposure therapy The purpose of exposure therapy is to have less fear of your memories. The idea behind exposure therapy is to learn about your fears, thoughts, and to focus on situations that remind you of your traumatic event. Your therapist will use techniques known as desensitization, and flooding.
Other Treatments Group therapy Psychodynamic psychology Family therapy Each of these therapies affect people differently.
Sources treatment/?src=MSN&kwrd=post%20traumatic%20stress%20disorder&subid=Canada\ treatment/?src=MSN&kwrd=post%20traumatic%20stress%20disorder&subid=Canada\ wlA wlA,. (2010). Retrieved Dec. 1, 2010, from MediaRecource incorperated, Canada. Web site: HIT Lab,. (2010). VR Treatment for Post-traumtic Stress Disorder. Retrieved Dec. 1, 2010, from HIT lab, Washington. Web site: /image003.jpg&imgrefurl= J- ExbP6eMuFWuo=&h=312&w=444&sz=11&hl=en&start=3&zoom=1&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=vbUK4Y 7IWvliZM:&tbnh=89&tbnw=127&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dpost%2Btraumatic%2Bstress%2Bdisorde ca%26tbs%3Disch:1 /image003.jpg&imgrefurl= J- ExbP6eMuFWuo=&h=312&w=444&sz=11&hl=en&start=3&zoom=1&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=vbUK4Y 7IWvliZM:&tbnh=89&tbnw=127&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dpost%2Btraumatic%2Bstress%2Bdisorde ca%26tbs%3Disch:1 CBC,. (2009). The traumatic effects of extreme stress. Retrieved Dec. 1, 2010, from CBC, Canada. Web site: Canadian Mental Health Association,. (2010). Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Retrieved Dec. 1, 2010, from Canadian mental health association. Web site: