TRANSFORMING CAPABILITY SUPPORT MATERIALS LEARNING DESIGN Learning Design Development Plan DEVELOPMENT PLAN COMMITMENT: LINE MANAGERS SHOULD: AGREEDREVIEWED Preparation Phase Make sure that each learner has the right development opportunity in terms of her / his preferences, role and status and likely next career steps Consider carefully what is hoped for as a result of the programme, and reflect on whether the intended participant has the right experience to benefit from the opportunity Make clear to each learner what is expected of him/ her before, during and after the programme Negotiate with senior managers about the extent and focus of changes that can be made in anticipation of the outcome of the programme Delivery Phase Meet learners on a regular basis – at least once between each workshop – to discuss progress and any issues that have arisen Take every opportunity to engage in informal conversation with learners about the programme and their experience of it Escalate any work-related issues that have been identified to the relevant senior manager and / or the Provider – as appropriate Give active support to the learner when s/ he wishes to adopt ideas / new ways of working from the programme Follow-through Phase On completion of the programme, make time to meet with learners for a detailed de-brief and planning session Discuss and debate the possibility for changes that are suggested by the learner Support any recommendations for positive changes that emerge from the programme Evaluate individual and business performance outcomes, and feed back honestly to the learner Encourage learners to talk to other team members about the programme and its benefits Discuss with the learners whether it would be beneficial for other team members to attend subsequent programmes ‘Agreed’ column – Line manager to initial each item ‘Reviewed’ column – Reviewer to enter date each item is reviewed satisfactorily Line Manager:Date: Reviewer:
TRANSFORMING CAPABILITY SUPPORT MATERIALS LEARNING DESIGN Learning Design Development Plan ‘Agreed’ column – Learner to initial each item ‘Reviewed’ column – Line Manager to enter date each item is reviewed satisfactorily Learner:Date: Line Manager: DEVELOPMENT PLAN COMMITMENT: EACH LEARNER SHOULD: AGREED REVIEWED Preparation Phase Gather baseline data to inform outcomes – to ensure transparency of starting point for individual and organisation – where s/he is then situated in terms of career and experience Discuss with line managers about how the learning intervention fits with personal future plans Discuss with line manager about why taking part in the learning programme and what s/he will bring back that will blend with the organisational vision Make an explicit agreement with line manager covering expectations on both sides Ensure that s/he is provided with adequate information about the programme s/he is undertaking Spend time planning in anticipation of each component of the programme – what s/he will look out for and how this information will relate to the organisation Delivery Phase Ensure that s/he is adequately briefed about each component of the programme so that an informed understanding of the content is achieved Review his/her notes as soon as possible after each stage of the programme; add any further reflections to enable critical assessment of each element of the process Take every opportunity to engage other learners in conversation, and to ask questions about their thoughts and experiences Use time between workshops to discuss with other learners any issues, ideas, or surprises that they have observed during each stage of the process Follow-through Phase Make practical action plans for changes on return to work, and discuss feasibility with his/her line manager and other interested parties Review his/her action plan with managers as soon as possible on their return from each session, considering any resource issues that would result from changes made as a consequence of the experience of the programme Take every opportunity to talk about the process with peers, both to reinforce learning and to maintain enthusiasm and momentum before being sucked back into everyday activities. Keep providers informed of the outcomes of the programme, to enable changes to be made for subsequent iterations of the programme.
TRANSFORMING CAPABILITY SUPPORT MATERIALS LEARNING DESIGN Learning Design Development Plan ‘Agreed’ column – Provider to initial each item ‘Reviewed’ column – Reviewer to enter date each item is reviewed satisfactorily Provider:Date: Reviewer: DEVELOPMENT PLAN COMMITMENT: PROVIDERS SHOULD:AGREEDREVIEWED Preparation Phase Provide enough information, with an adequate lead time, so that learners are well prepared for each component of the programme Provide templates and guides to encourage learners to record their experiences Make sure that they are adequately briefed about the learners in terms of their role, status and interests Ensure that the time spent during the programme allows for detailed Q&A sessions between all involved Plan a programme that contains time to de-brief between each development phase Give consideration to appropriate group size in order to optimise the learning experience Delivery Phase Ensure that the programme schedule is paced to allow sufficient time for reflection at each stage of the process Allow time for note taking and questions at every stage of the programme During syndicate work, select group membership & size in order to optimise the learning experience Schedule part of each session for group discussion Follow-through Phase Encourage learners to keep in touch with each other and share progress on implementing changes Actively seek feedback from learners – and from their manager – about perceived strengths and weaknesses of the programme and how future iterations can be improved Take responsibility for the outcome of the process and recognise the need for continual improvement to ensure that all iterations are fit-for-purpose