Recommendations and proposed future work From data gathering to recommendations Thematic Group 4 WG 4 Questions for the last STEPS year
1.Possible recommendations on doctoral programmes 2.Possible recommendations on general quality 3.Do we need additional data ?
Doctoral programmes: possible recommendations (1) Master as a precondition (fast track for excellent students ?) Strong research base (course work no more than 60 ECTS, preferably 15 – 30 ECTS ?) Output assessment should focus on research output (external examiners) EAU: role of supervisor in examination should not be a dominant one.
Doctoral programmes: possible recommendations (2) Quality assurance: protecting the candidate: a)regular reporting (at least once a year; not just to the own group) b)institutional responsibility (is scheduled duration reached ? Ombudsman ?)
Should we support (in part or in total) ? EPS position paper on Education EAU Salzburg guidelines European Charter for Researchers
General Quality Assurance Issues Possible recommendations: a) student involvement b) keeping track of and involving alumni c) how to provide for feedback on content and teaching methods (programme vs. institutional accreditation)
Do we need additional data ? Keeping open doctoral candidates questionnaire ? Attitudes of STEPS partners towards possible recommendations ? Physics education research ?