Contents How to Make an App Why make mobile apps? Tools & Technology Creating an App Customising your App Limitations The Classroom Project Blogging with Posterous Extending the Project Your own School App? The future for App making
Apps are… 1.Current 2.Relevant 3.Creative
Tools & Technology
Creating an App 1. Sign up at (free) 2. Locate an RSS feed (a what?) 3. Customise appearance with icons, splash screen, header (and more)
RSS Feeds
Icon Design
Limitations of AppMakr Limited to the presentation of data from RSS feeds. Require an Apple Developer account to publish to the iTunes App Store ($99).
Recording Student Progress Students record progress on Media (such as screenshots) can be included Students can use “like” and comment features for peer evaluation
Example Posterous Blog…
Peer Feedback
Extending the project…
“I liked having the freedom to develop an app for my own topic.” “I enjoyed building something myself... It was rewarding.” “Blogging with Posterous is a fun & easy way to record evidence of my work.” “Learning about RSS feeds will be really useful in later life.” “I think that blogging skills will be useful to me in the future.”
Your own School App?
The Future? AppMakr is simple, but limited. Other tools are becoming available…
Google “Android App Inventor”