An Architecture for Institutional Transformation at Iowa State University: People and Policy, Data and Dissemination Susan Carlson, ISU ADVANCE PI Associate Provost for Faculty Advancement and Diversity
An Architecture for Institutional Transformation: People and Policy Data and Dissemination
Policy: Foundational Change Key policies –Promotion and tenure –Position responsibilities –Tenure clock extensions Flexibility Training –Chairs and deans –Hiring and review –Partner accommodations –Part-time appointments –Senior faculty
Policy: “Modified Duties” and Community Building “Arrival of Children” policy (2002) Documenting key issues related to peers: Sloan Foundation/ACE survey (2005) Provost/Faculty Senate Taskforce (2006) Faculty Senate Review( ): 50-5 vote Taskforce, Senate committee, Women’s Leadership Consortium, University Committee on Women, Diversity Committee, ADVANCE
People: IT is about People and IT Takes People Companionable structures of the university and the ADVANCE program Coming together: community building and meetings Supporting people in STEM Supporting people in ADVANCE
ISU ADVANCE Comprehensive Approach:
Community Building and Meetings Advance Council Steering Committee Co-PI Team Equity Advisors/ ADVANCE Professors Research Team Internal Advisory Board External Advisory Board Site Visit Preparation Conference Committee College Coordinating Councils Department Leadership Teams
Supporting faculty in STEM and in ADVANCE Collaborative transformation (CT) in STEM departments ADVANCE Scholars Program Lectures, networking events, workshops Administrative fellows focused on recruitment, work-life, promotion to full ISU ADVANCE and support for those involved
Supporting Faculty Contributing to the Program Support for co-PIs, ADVANCE Professors, Equity Advisors What is “scholarship”? What is “service”? How do we make interdisciplinary work visible? New forms and new venues for dissemination The people with the passion need support ISU ADVANCE and support for those involved
Shared Responsibilities for People
Data From Status of Women at Iowa State University, Report of Task Force on Data Analysis, University Committee on Women, J. Litt, Chair.
Data NSF-required data and annual reporting Institutional data Survey data ISU “Collaborative Transformation” data
From Table 1, ISU ADV Annual Report, Years 1 & 2 Discipline Type NSF Data and Reporting: Percent female: tenured and tenure-eligible faculty by discipline type
Data: Institutional Data and the Institutional Research Office Project enabled by key contributions from Institutional Research (IR) Associate Director of IR on co-PI Team Key factor in sustainability of IT
Data: Faculty Work/Life Database
Survey Data COACHE Survey (2005, 2009) AAUDE Faculty Satisfaction Survey (2008) Faculty Exit Survey (2005-present)
COACHE Survey, 2005 & 2009 Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education Best Aspects of Iowa State
COACHE Survey, 2005 & 2009 Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education Best Aspects for Faculty of Color at ISU & Peers
Faculty Exit Survey Report FY How much did work interfere with your personal life? A Little 12% Not at All 5% A Great Deal 12% Quite a Bit 36% Some 35%
Data: Departmental “Collaborative Transformation” Research Central component of ISU ADVANCE Research team, intensive work with nine focal departments Enables faculty within focal departments to identify potential barriers to faculty success The goal is to ensure department climates are conducive to recruiting, retaining and promoting excellent faculty
Data: Research Findings from CT Process 1.Spatial proximity and facility issues 2.Gaps between stated ideals and reality 3.Mentoring of Assistant and Associate Professors 4.Democratic participation 5.Recruitment and retention 6.Family friendly policies
Dissemination The interdisciplinary context On-campus dissemination Off-campus dissemination
Dissemination: The Interdisciplinary Context
Dissemination: On-Campus
Dissemination: Off-Campus ADVANCE PI meetings, JAM meeting Disciplinary and inter-disciplinary meetings Publications, disciplinary and higher education “The New Norm of Faculty Flexibility: Transforming the Culture in Science and Engineering,” October 2008
An Architecture for Institutional Transformation
Acknowledgements Bird, Sharon R. and Diane M. Debinski “Executive Summary.” Pp. ii-vi in ISU ADVANCE Collaborative Transformation Project: First Round Focal Department Synthesis Report (March 2008) by Sharon R. Bird and Florence A. Hamrick. Iowa State University ADVANCE Program. Gahn and Carlson. Breaking the Norms: Measuring the Impact of New Policies. The New Norm of Faculty Flexibility conference. Ames, IA. October Gahn and Pontius. AAUDE/ISU/ADVANCE Faculty Satisfaction Survey. Iowa State University
Acknowledgements ISU ADVANCE Council. A program of Institutional Transformation to make Iowa State University an optimal environment for all faculty. Presentation to ISU non-focal departments Status of Women at Iowa State University, Report of Task Force on Data Analysis, University Committee on Women, J. Litt, Chair This project has been supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. SBE Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Additional funding from Iowa State University and the Alfred P. Sloan foundation.
ISU ADVANCE ADVANCE Council: Susan Carlson, Principal Investigator Bonnie Bowen, Executive Director, co-PI Sharon Bird, Research Director, co-PI Diane Debinski, co-PI Carla Fehr, co-PI Sandra Gahn, co-PI Florence Hamrick, co-PI Equity Advisors: Kristen Constant (2009) Lisa Larson Jan Thompson Charles Glatz ( ) Graduate Students ADVANCE Professors: Ralph Napolitano, Kristen Constant ( ) Mark Gordon Shauna Hallmark Jim Raich, Fredric Janzen ( ) Elisabeth Lonergan Steve Rodermel, Jo Anne Powell- Coffman ( ) Associate Deans: Joe P. Colletti David Oliver Diane Rover Faculty Fellows: Frankie Santos Laanan (2007) Bonita Glatz (2008) Mary Harris ( ) Annette O’Connor ( )
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