Guidelines for Technical Reports The written report should present the complete design project investigation and should have the following format: –Cover page –Table of contents –Summary/Abstract –Introduction –Method of Approach or Design –Results and Discussion –Conclusions and Recommendations –References –Appendices with Organized Details
Cover Page Title of your Project EG150 Group # Senior Engineer: John Smith Vicky Brown James White
Table of Contents Abstract...……………...2 Introduction...…………..3 Method of Approach …...5 Design-1 …………...…7 Design-2 ……………..10 Results and Discussion...12 References …………….15 Appendix A ……………16 Appendix B …………….17
Abstract This should present a summary of the introduction, approach/design and results.
Introduction Introduce the problem Present a review of similar literature by searching the web, library, journals, etc.. –Example: Abboud (1990) reported in her study that a person will be able to survive without food for # days as long as one has ## cups of water.
Method of Approach This section should have complete design and method of approach. You can refer to Figures and Appendices like we did in class. For example: We designed a tent made of the …material. This is shown in Figure 1.
Results and Discussion Discuss the results of your approach and designs. Advantages and disadvantages of each approach or design.
Conclusions and Recommendation Present the conclusions observed from the results. Give recommendation for future researchers studying similar problem.
References Example: list them alphabetically Abboud N.M., “Title “, name of journal, volume, page #, year. or Abboud N.M., (Year) “Title”, name of journal, volume, page #. Author, webpage, date..
Appendix-A Appendix -A List of Items recovered from the plane. Water # gallons Match ….. …...